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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:53 am Post subject: Evening at the pawnshop |
(ooc: Here, it's open to everyone. I hope you will enjoy it.)
As the sun touches the landscape to go to sleep, Catherine sighs. She bored. The day been oddly quiet at the store. Nobody came looking for a little of money and nobody came wanting new shoes. The cobble stone road were a murderer of high hell of course but if we added the prostitution and the casino that usually warranty her to not see many lonely days at the shop.
Catherine stops herself to day dreaming and continue to varnish a old clock. If she want serious hope to get a good prize on if she needs to make her look as new as possible. She only stop time to time to lookby the windows then saying herself that if nobody come until the darkness arrive she could simply closes, goes eat at the restaurant of Delight Castle then goes at the striptease theater or argue with the owner about the fact to add some chippendales could attract a new public. |
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WhispersShadow Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 179
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:07 am Post subject: |
stretching Morph walked along the road and was dillydalling around trying to kill some time. as he strode on Morph saw that the light was still on in on of the shops. Curious he headed over wondering what it was as the clubs and theater was in the other diredction. seeing through the window to the Lynx through the window as her brownish eyes stared into an old cloak. she was beautiful to Morph, he headed up the 3 steps to go into the shop. the smell of vanish hit him hard and made him snizze a couple of times. once inside he places his pencil behind his ear and pad into his bag. walking to the desk where Catherine stood he bowed humbly and smiled up to her.
"how fares you dear lady, I am Morph, Morph Draco Aqua. Its odd that this store is open so late. if i may ask what is it that you do here, i see all types of things." he stated as he leanded on the counter with a soft smile. _________________ MY FURSONA
MY HOUSE[/url] |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:18 am Post subject: |
Maxwell walked through the street light as the lanterns were being lit, the sun was down and the time of day for... Certain things was upon Rush hour. Max staggered by the shops, some of which were closing early as it had been a relatively slow day. He himself had thought of retiring from his usual curious strolls and head back to The Ring.
This was also encouraged by his aching feet, the old worn boots were definitely deteriorating an unacceptable level. Then a little optimistic spark ran through his mind, he had never before had the money to spend money, but now he did... as long as he was careful who saw him with the money. "Heck, I might as well head down to the Pawnshop. I hear the owner makes decent shoes" Max thought to himself.
He picked up his pace and Turned sharp through the paths to the shop. Upon entering he gazed around, not being in the place before he was curious. As always with new places. He stood at the counter behind a Blue Wolf bat, to whom he gave a friendly nod. Max Leaned against the counter to ease the aches of his feet. _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:03 pm Post subject: |
*raises her eyes when she hears the sneeze. She smiles at the wolf bat while he walks is wait to the counter.*
Good evening Mister Aqua. I'm Catherine. Catherine Puce and I happy to see you in my humble store. We have a little of all because because it's a pawnshop. I am also the cordwainer of this town but financially it look more like a hobby that a real job.
*glances briefly at the Tiger that entered in the store while she was introducing herself. She waited the moment he leans on the counter to greeting him as well. Trying to servicing the new arrival without being rude with his current customer.*
Good Evening Gentleman. Can I help you in any way? |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:17 pm Post subject: |
Max turned around to Catherine as she addressed him, he Gave the Wolf Bat another Friendly glance and then faced The shop keeper.
"Hello, Miss Catherine Puce was it? I'm Maxwell, and I have some old boots that I need fixed up, or perhaps buy another pair. I hear you have a profound skill in that area of expertise, I can wait until you have finished with this good guy here of course. First come first serve." _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:55 pm Post subject: |
*isn't sure that Morph is interested to buy yet so she makes a curtsey to him as apologize then raises herself higher by using her stool to have a look to the boots.*
They are indeed really damaged. It must be uncomfortable. For four florins I could fix them but if you add a single florin I have a pair of high black boots that seems just your size and if you are willing to add a second florin and are ready to wait I could create a new pair of tailored boots instead.
*smiles and returns to her first customer while she let Maxwell think about it.*
Sorry for the interruption. Can I do anything for you? I have some beautiful set of carved pen if you are interested. |
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WhispersShadow Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 179
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:24 pm Post subject: |
really is that so well i think i would like to take a look at anything that would have to deal with writing and or drawing amterials. i will give you a total of 20 florins for every set of ten that you have. this is my passion and i will pay nearly any price to get what i need. I am also wondering if you might have some good parchment or rice paper or papyrus. i also collect all types of papers from around the world.
reachs into his robes and pulls out a pouch of coins that he kept on him for times like these. pulling out 20 florins he set them out on the counter to show that he did mean what he said. Lokking the beautiful Lynx in the eyes he leans on the counter and smiles tenderly hoping that she had what he was looking for. _________________ MY FURSONA
MY HOUSE[/url] |
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:27 pm Post subject: |
At your service my lord.
*curtsey once again then quickly walks into the store and the back-store collecting various wooden casket. Catherine learned a long time ago that presentation is vital to make good sell and never hesitate to put her acquired stuff in a better case that the original. She came back to the counter and open the various casket. There are three wax tablets, various partial assortments of fancy writing paper, a half dozens of old inkwell, eight pens, a box of vine charcoal of various consistencies, a whole set of chinese writing brush with inkstone an a almost whole inkstick and a four greyish sheets of wasp paper page. Almost all come from several unclaimed pledges and put together as a set and refurbished to look as new as possible.*
I hope you will find what you look for. I let you inspect the product before the purchase. I pride myself to have satisfied buyers. |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:13 pm Post subject: |
a huge cheetah was walking down the cobble street and staring at the sky while quietly saying.
"ahhh looks like it's gonna be a star filled night hmmm well time to get moveing"
shivering slightly he heads up the street while listening to his shoe's makeing a tapping noise against the stone, stoping and notices a light comeing from a shop deciding to be nosey he steps up to the window and notices the shop is a pawnshop.
while lazily looking the cheetah is about to move on when he see's the owner a short but very beautiful lynx he had seen her a few times in his work place delight castle arguing with the owner witch he found funny.
"well no harm introduceing my self and takeing a look around" he pushes the door open and steps inside takeing a good look around but keeping his scard red left eye on the lynx while his right sky blue eye sweeps around the shop. _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:12 pm Post subject: |
*raises briefly her eyes and smiles to the newcomer but keeps her attention on her previous costumers. Knowing that it's better to let the customer browse a little. They always come to the counter when they need to ask something or want to sell. Catherine is a little puzzled that everyone come now while the whole night be dead but she doesn't complaint. Pretty costumer and sells big enough to paid the daily expenses is all she could wanted for a workday.* |
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WhispersShadow Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 179
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:28 pm Post subject: |
*bows at Morph.*
It's a pleasure to make business with you. I like men that know what they want.
*takes the money and places it in a safe. Knowing that it's better not a so large sum of money on the counter for long.* |
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WhispersShadow Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 179
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:44 pm Post subject: |
*grabs the card and smiles. It's a fitting event she was considerate to go eat here and eats with someone always beat eating alone.*
I won't refuse a invitation from a nice gentleman. |
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WhispersShadow Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 10 Jan 2010 Posts: 179
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:05 pm Post subject: |
*slides the envelope away before pocket it. It's certainly fall in the private matter side and the shop is still open. There are this cheetah that probably want something and Maxwell that will probably finish to make his mind soon.* |
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henkcobra Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 4122
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:28 pm Post subject: |
Max approached the counter. "Thank you for the time Catherine, I've finally made my decision! Can I have these boots repaired? I would also like a newly tailored pair as you mentioned, how much will that come to?"
(Whoops, sorry Henk, I didn't see your post)
As Maxwell finishes his sentence he notices Henk and gives him a friendly wave, though when he realises he has interrupted Henks introduction to the lovely Lynx Max uncomfortably laughs "Sorry Henk, didn't mean to but in" he then steps back to allow Henk to speak first. _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:29 pm Post subject: |
*blinks, a little surprised by the arrival of Henk. She makes herself a mental note to repair the shop door bell. She has good ears but the current event just showed that it's not enough. She was about to answer when Maxwell started to talk. She waited to he finished to answer both of them.*
Mister Maxwell it will be four florins to repair this boots and six for a new tailored one. So ten as great total. And Mister Henk, I will answer yes to both questions.
*smiles and makes a short pause to breathe before continues.*
My name is Catherine Puce and I'm a shoemaker. Welcome in my pawnshop. I hope that you will find what you look for.
*curtsey to Henk then leaves the counter to pull a curtain uncovering her workshop. It placed to still be able to watch the door while working and be able to return to the counter in two or three strides.*
Mister Maxwell, can I have you boots and a minute of your time to measure you feets. I have a good eye for people and footwear but following your guts without further confirmed knowledge can lead to mistake. Don't be shy, I don't bite. Beside you seem to know well this nice fencer. I shouldn't be threat against both of you. Don't you agree? |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:11 am Post subject: |
"No Problem" Max said as he stepped forwards at Catherine's request for a moment of time. As she explained her need for details to avoid a mistake he nodded as he understood, "I see, I'll bet quality is assured either way."
Max sniggers at her little joke about biting and adds to it "Aw, pity"
He takes off the big, dirty, beaten up boots and holds them in his hands, the dry mud on the soles was getting onto his fingerless gloves but he was a little insensitive to the fact as he was used to muddy shoes. He quickly realised though and felt the need to warn her.
"Sorry about the state of them, I get around, it seems." _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:51 pm Post subject: |
*smiles and grabs the boots by the leg.*
Don't worry. I work in a pawnshop. I used to see a lot of beaten stuff.
*keeps talking while she unpicks the leather of the boot, looking at what can be scavenged. She works fast as a girl that did the same movements thousands time before.*
And you shouldn't said pity. I'm a skilled pawnbrokers and a lynx. My kind survived by being fierce and ready for an opening. Pampered mens rarely finish the foreplay. I can see that you are both well built but muscle alone doesn't make a tough boy.
*grins as she finishes to put a crude wood putty to fix the outsole. She got a habit to tell innuendo and talk dirty while working. In this town of sexual pleausre, it's like joking or talking of the weather. She let the old footwear dry while she grabs a measuring rope and moves to Maxwell feet.*
By the way, mister Maxwell. How high you want your new boots and which color? |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:04 am Post subject: |
As Catherine works on the Old boots Maxwell observes with interest, she really knew what she was doing.
He smirks at her little flirty remarks and is ever so slightly flattered she noticed his physique hidden under his Jacket. Max responds "I wonder what else makes a Tough boy... If it's brains I'm screwed" Then answers "I'd like the height of the boots to be just above the ankle I guess, I'm not sure what would be best for me. Oh and Call me Max" _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:06 pm Post subject: |
*scribble several measure on a blackboard then looks at Max with a big smile.*
I have a nice brown that could make you really class. Black is a cure choice too but it's a popular thing so it's really common. It's kinda dull the thing.
*grabs a precut plank and starts to carves it.*
Trust me Mister Max. My jobs imply that I know how people react. |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:10 am Post subject: |
"Seeing as the ones you are fixing are black, I might as well have the new ones be brown" Max smiles back to Catherine
"besides, I'm sure they'll turn out wonderful" _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:14 pm Post subject: |
Of course they will. I dressed the feet of most wealthy persons of Bon Bon. I won't give you an inferior service.
*smiles at this selling speech while Catherine continues her work. It is a little vain but it tends attract the attention of customers. Modesty is for the poor sellers.*
Of course, you will still have to wait. To see the result. The day where new shoes can be a second after buying it is still really far. |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:04 am Post subject: |
"Don't worry, I know they'll be the best boot's I've bought"
Max smiles pleasantly and thinks to himself Hmm, I should ask Josh about his 'Sneaks' as he called them
"By the way, how long do you reckon it will be before You have finished the boots? I'm curious" _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:40 pm Post subject: |
*grabs some sandpaper.*
Less that a half hour. Most of the work can be done really fast but you sadly can rush the finishing touch. A badly sanded outsole will become uncomfortable once the insole flatten, a toebox of the bad size will give blister, a bad seam will let the water enter or tear while a badly shaped leg will bite your ankle. The worst is that many of this flaws won't be noticed until much later. This is the reason why reputation is so important for a shoemaker.
*gives a brief look at Maxwell's feet without stopping.*
Don't worry. You will have a good work real soon. My family did that since generations. You will not regret to have came here. |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:59 pm Post subject: |
Max smiles as she works away.
"Hoo I can't wait! I've never really had the money to spend on excellent items and such, until recently. I must say, your experience shows as you work. It's rather exciting just to watch you!" _________________
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:39 am Post subject: |
*grins and continues to work at her current speed. Afterall, there are still this Henk and this huge cheetah inside the shop and she can't simply let a customer allow herself to miss the other. Beside there is really no need to slow down. Few minutes later, the first boot is ready to her check up. She looks at Maxwell and smiles while already working to terminate the second one.*
Would you like to try this one to see if it suit your desires? |
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Maxwell The Tiger Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 23 Nov 2009 Posts: 4436
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:44 am Post subject: |
"Of course I will try it on, it looks rather dashing I must say" _________________
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