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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:26 pm Post subject: link hunter collins (my fursona) |
name: link neku hunter collins ((his real name is christain neku hunter odain but he abounded it when he moved to bon bon)).
age: 25
spices: king cheetah
gender: male
orientation: straight
birthplace/natioality: was born in england he is half english half australian he talks with an australian acsent
hair: long black hair tied back in a pony tail.
height: 7'3"
weight: 295lbs mainly due to muscle.
eyes: the left is blood red and has a scar going from the top of the left conner to the bottom of the right in a diagnle line the right eye is sky blue.
fur style: normal cheetah style fur but insted of spot's on his back he has three black strips and the tip of his tail is red
markings: a scar witch go's diangley across his left eye also has scars on the back of his hands witch where for a punishment in his past.
build: slim and muscular for his species
clothing: his clothing will look like this ((but without the hat))
he also wears a black leather belt witch has a silver skull for the buckle an always seems to be holding a blue rose witch he gives to a female he shows intrest in
jewlery: a silver necklace with a gold ring with a black stone set in it
another ring with a diamond set in it on his tail both he never removes. the rings look like this
work clothes on stage link wears a pure black tuxed with a pure white or blood red slik shirt underneath black trousers with a leather belt and shiny black loather type shows that have steel built in them incase he drops his knifes while juggling
he also wears a mask to hide his face to add futher to his msyiousness to new comers to the castle
his assaints will wear very sexy and on occasion revealing dress to intise the crowds and foucus attione on what is happing on stage mostly they wear red black and silver
occapation: showman/entertainer at delight catle dose dangerous stunts like swoed juggling fire juggling and fire swallowing etc. he shows no fear or regard to his own safety but always shows it to who ever is his assiant
he has been know to change his acts every week when preforming at delight castle and has earned a reputation of being highly intrusted and some females have been know to be highly fatuated with him due to his no holds bared to his safety and his cool calm seriousness to his acts
he also on rear occasions has been know to strip his assiant fully naked on stage with perftly aimed throws of his knifes to a special made clothing for his assiants and even has had realtions with his assiants off stage after shows
he also has somew slight knowlage of being a magician thanks to stella the polar bear but he is slitly clumsy and nit very good
personality: in his past link was a very violent and angry person he would not care for anyone or anything but after the death of his twin brother and his near death experience.
link became distanent and found it hard to trust people it took along time for link to trust the kind man who saved his life and other people.
after liveing with him and his so link's personality changed to him being a polite and kind young man who will help anyone who needs a helping paw.
also has a great sence of humor and can get even the grumpist of furson to burst out laughing.
but he comptly changes on stage he appreas mstyouis quite and very seouirs witch makes him almost unknow and making people thin k he is a complty different person
hobbies: link likes being surroundid in a beautiful and calm senary where he can clime a tree and read a book.
he also is an exepert pianist.
weapons: ((uses his swords in his shows)).
he carrie's two custom made swords
the first sword is his own witch was his 18th birthday present it is called luna and it is a katna the handle has pure black leather with three white diamond inbed in it. the blade is made out of tampered steel with diamond in fused in the steel.
the othet one is called sol.
witch was his brother's this sword is also a katna but the handle has white leather with three onxys inbed in it the blade is made out of tamperd steel with onxy infused in it.
sexuality: link has a fetish of being as close to his partner as possibble im not sure whats it called or even if it has a proper name but he likes this when he is in a sexuall postion.
when both of them of them are in a sitting postion so there bodys are firmly preesd to gether and he can look them fully in the eyes while giveing his partner passinate kiss or gentle bites to there shoulder and neck area.
also he will wrap his tail around his partners ordepending though if he is allowed to and what spices they are he is mainly intrested in any kind of feline or vixens but will not say no to other spices.
he also love's haveing his tail stroked if a female is to stroke his tail in a sexuall scene he will do anything to make his mateing partner happy he also has a spicel spot on his top right shoulder blade when touched it sends him into a very sexuall fral state
once by accident his assaint has grabbed his tail on stage and due to this the cheetah had sex with his assiant right there live on stage of corse people thought it was part of the act and cheerd to humorus affects and a very funny teeling off by princess betty who always complains about him but secretly likes him as a friend
biography: link was born on the 7th of august 1874 in the roughest parts of london, he and his twin brother never know there parents as they both passed away when they where 3 years old they where both takeing in by a rich and powerful family called the odain's turning 9 link was treated diffrently to his brother as he stood a foot taller and haveing two diffent colord eyes at 11 link who was once quite and kept to him self started to become violent and rude his brother thouge was gentle and very kind at the age of 13 link finally wanted freedom and abouned the odain family wondering the streets link was asulted by a wolf who was part of the howler's link surpeied the wolf by beating him to a pulp and was offerd to join the gang now at thye age of 15 link was taught how to street fight and he made many enemies in just one year in the gang link stood an incredble 6'3 and weighed in at 230lbs being 16 link's strentg was incredle and he raised to the top of the gang.
his brother who also joined the gang was no fighter but proved him self by being a awazing stratgist he only stood at 5'4 and weighd 135lbs but he link and link's best friend demyx lineson made a fomidlbe team.
now 17 link was one of the best fighter's in the gang and had even surrpassed the leader andc was told maybe in the next year link could be the next leader telling his brother and demyx soon demyx became jelos of link.
on link's and his brothers 18 birthday something happend that changed link's life and forced him to leave london and turn tratior to the gang turning 19 link found himself in bon bon and well ended staying there becomeing an enetertainer at delight castle.
((this is the reason why link left london)).
at the age of 13 link joined the gang called the howlers and made freinds with demyx sevral years whent by and demyx started getting jelous of link.
now in the year 1895 link and demyx complty despices each other beyond anything the reason why demyx is jelous of link is
because link is bigger stronger and never lost a fight on his 18 birthday demyx started a gang fight in a pub witch resulted in link's twin brother"s death the pub fight took to the streets witch left demyx link and link's brother alone.
demyx now full of hatred towards link shot his brother and he and link had a viocius fight witch also gave link his scar acroos his left eye somehow link escaped and demyx swore he would hunt down and either drag link back to london or kill him but now full of rage and jelousy he is planning to kill him.
refrance pic of link hunter collins. link's fur style
_________________________________________________________ _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah
Last edited by dragonfly on Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:17 pm; edited 17 times in total |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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BioRust Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 25 Oct 2009 Posts: 2070
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:35 am Post subject: |
I think the king cheetah has a cooler spot pattern. He's still the same guy right? _________________ My DA & FA
Alexander Frost |
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Rikardo Royal Member of BonBon

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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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