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Rank: Super Veteran

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Start Date: Dec. 16, 2008

Qualify Date: Jun. 16, 2009

Name: Ernest Evan Living

Species: Grey Rat

Build: Average with a modest build, nothing special

Height: 5',10"


Weight: 160 lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Same as his fur... grey Smile

Clothing: I have a full list of images for his clothes, just ask and I'll deliver

Occupation: Miner


The life of a Pennsylvanian miner during the mid to late 1800’s was nearly as dangerous as dancing on a minefield. There existed NO legislation of any kind to offer them protection or decent treatment. In 1871, 112 men were killed in the anthracite mines, and 332 permanently injured. In seven years, 556 men had been killed and 1,565 maimed or crippled for life. Out of 22,000 miners, more than 5,000 were sixteen years of age or under. Take-home pay was uncertain; deductions were often arbitrary or at the whim of the owners by means of what they called the "bobtail check." A typical week's wages for a miner at the time was $35; expenses, including rent, groceries, and a new drill, came to $35.03."

It was during this turbulent time that a group of Pennsylvanian miners formed a group opposed to unfairness and intolerable working conditions; they called themselves the “Mollie McGuire’s”. What commenced was an historical clash between coal company executives and common laborers that resulted in a series of unnecessary deaths on both sides. From 1877 to 1879, 26 Mollie McGuire’s were sentenced and hanged for their crimes.

Amongst their number was a simple, hardworking rat by the name of Riske Living. A rough and tumble scrapper who’s family had known nothing but struggle and misfortune since crossing the sea from Ireland so long ago. As to whether the men he associated with were guilty or innocent, none can say, but when given the choice between siding with the company and saving his life or remaining loyal to his brothers of the mine and swinging by the neck, Riske chose death.

On June 21, 1877, also known as Black Thursday, the first ten of twenty Irish Miners were hung. Riske’s son, Ernest stood next to his distraught mother and watched helplessly as his father died. The woman wept uncontrollably, but as for Ernest, the lad of fourteen said not a word nor moved an inch. Much to his family’s dismay, he shed no tears, but gripped his mother’s hand with such force that he popped her smallest finger out of joint. After this horrendous event, the young rat was changed forever.

Ernest Evan Living was born on the fifteenth of March in 1863 near Pottsville. A run-of-the-mill grey rat with no obvious outstanding qualities, he was one of four children. He was preceded by two older sisters and followed by a younger brother who sadly died at age ten from illness. Originally, he had set his sights on higher education, but after the events of 1877, redirected his focus to his fallen progenitors vocation. Against his mothers wishes, he put everything aside in favor of mining and within four years had surpassed his father’s reputation and capabilities amongst the working Irish. Putting aside the traditional pick axe and shovel of his contemporaries, young Ernest gladly embraced nitroglycerin and dynamite as the tools of his trade. Placing his top priorities on the use and mastery of this notoriously unstable commodity, his name became synonymous with precise and efficient blasting, whether above ground or below.

Ernest tossed aside his once clean and gentle exterior to fully epitomize the tough and burly life of a laborer. Favoring strong drink and foul cigars, he engaged in the traditional rough housing and fist fights that were typical amongst his brethren during their limited off hours. Despite being as far detached from polite society as one can imagine, he takes after his species noted adaptability and can clean himself up rather admirably if need be.

The tragic building blocks of his youth have made the rat an enigma to his fellow man. His personality can be seen as blusterous, sardonic or even downright antagonistic to those who do not know him. Coupled with a thinly veiled sense of self loathing and randomness, the miner has trouble making friends and often seems to have more enemies than usual. All of this is a façade, however, for within that calloused frame lies the fractured remains of a broken-hearted little rat who loves and misses his dead father.

The Pinkerton Agency, a group of infamous law dogs and so called “detectives” were integral in the downfall of the Mollies. After the mass execution of the miners, the Pinkerton’s kept close watch over the families of the deceased to prevent any further action taken against the coal companies. Ernest’s change in character and love of explosives pegged him as a dangerous rat and a potential terrorist in the eyes of the law. The detectives continued to shadow him into his twenties, constantly dogging his tail and harassing him at every turn, in hopes of forcing him to take action and provide reason for arrest.

In 1885, the offices of the Titan mining company were blown sky high in the middle of the night. The building was empty and no injuries of any kind were reported. The finger of blame was placed squarely upon Ernest, who swore his innocence vehemently. When the mining company claimed a large sum of insurance money and began construction of a larger and more spacious office site, the miners sensed a convenient set up and with the help of one Father James Harrigan, smuggled Ernest out of the country and into Europe to avoid false prosecution.

Living worked diligently throughout the countryside, offering his talents to fellow miners for a fraction of what one of his talents would normally ask. He held nothing but contempt for the mine owners and company men, who were as greedy and ruthless as the ones back home.

It is in 1893 that a major strike amongst British coal miners began. Arguments over safety and wages threatened to stifle the industry and executives were desperate to end it quickly. Seizing the opportunity, overseers spread false rumors that Ernest was a company scab hired to oust the striking workers for a wave of immigrants to replace them on the job. Most chose not to believe, but a handful of desperate and bigoted workers took the lies to heart. Ernest was harassed, assaulted and his quarters and possessions vandalized. Wanting nothing more than to fight it out, the rat was later talked into leaving by the ever present Father James, who suggested a little place in Italy where a gentleman could hide and never be found.
"One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster.
The bars are temples, but the pearls ain't free...
You'll find a god in every golden cloister,
And if you're lucky then the god's a she..."
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Come to think of it, im two mounths away from getting my Avatar
don't worry I'm just your average quantum physicist
New Fursona
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:48 pm    Post subject: Avatar Description Reply with quote

Unofficially joined PBB: 2005-02
Officially joined PBB: 2006-03-15

I've been following Pleasure Bon Bon since back when it was started on Vixine.

Name: James West
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Species: Cougar
Eyes: Golden
Nose: Pink
Fur: Tan with white muzzle, chin, neck and abdomen
Markings: Usual for a cougar.
Build: Average
Height: 5'10"
Occupation: Engineer, Ship Builder
Personality: Polite and professional.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:55 pm    Post subject: Greetings Goldenord Dael-Smith Markham the Third Reply with quote

membership since: 21 Aug 2009

Name: Goldenrod Dael-Smith Markham the Third

Age: 24

Nationality: English, from the county of Yorkshire but has rarely spent any time there.

Profession: Explorer, Adventurer and sometime reporter for a variety of newspapers.

Species: Canine, Golden Retriever.

Build: Thin lithe with an athletes physique, a natural born runner and has trained to be both fast and to have great endurance.

Height: 5ft 7 in

Weight: 178lbs

Hair: Loose long golden blonde hair tied in a pony tail with a black ribbon

Fur: Golden yellow lightening to the feathering on his arms and legs of paler gold. (note the longer fur on a canines arms and legs are called feathering)

Eyes: Hazel Brown

Clothes: Tends the dress the part in town dress evening coat for high company but has causal attire. A pair of sturdy brown moleskin trousers, collarless shirt of white, blue waistcoat and grey tweed jacket. He wears either dapper topper or a simple flat cap with a peak.

Items: He always carries a golden metal rod that doubles as a walking stick or sometimes a means of defense. It is apparently plain but on closer inspections bares a series of swirls that never seem to end or could have been made. He can twirl it and it never seems to be damaged despite everything.

His coat has many pockets asking Goldenrod to empty his pockets is a proposition guaranteed to get more stuff than a penny bizarre. He carries with him a lot but always has a pen, notepad, pocketknife, magnifying glass, various coinage from a dozen countries, fob watch, compass, a length of twine with a plumbob, flint and striker, two pairs of socks, a scarf, and a bag of marbles.

If he carries a knapsack the item count becomes even higher.

Personality: Bright, sunny and incredibly curious. If a door is marked private or do not enter he will open it. Suffers from the reporters delusion While I am writing I am immune to all harm. He is very open and honest.

He is also very homosexual, not obviously but will not brook allowing any female to labor under a delusion that he would be available. Truth is his guiding principle so what he reports is the truth.

Skills at his job: Excellent outdoorsman, can do almost anything moderately well. Tends to get in trouble a lot so has learnt a variety of stick fighting techniques. An able reporter whose style may be a little flowery. Good at disguise, and at least a dozen languages.
You sure this is a good bone or not.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome to bonbon Goldenrob Dael-smith Markham 3th join a rp or make one for you arrivele in bonbon.

I look forward to meet you Wink
Avatar: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7830

My favorite RP please join and dominate me : http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6811&start=0

My FA; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/henkcobra/
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Scuse me, but do I get my character in 10 days? Or must i work in the forums harder? Or is my math wrong and I screwed up the date?
don't worry I'm just your average quantum physicist
New Fursona
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're gonna have to wait as none of the cleared people on pg.1 have their avatars done yet.Once they're drawn,it's up to Ron to clear yours to be drawn.
If you love life, dont waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

Bruce Lee
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speaking of Ron, I haven't seen him much of late. I may recall 1 post not too long ago, but other than that he seems a ghost. I understand he's a busy man and all, but I thought he was usually more active.

Another note for Samuel. I had originally toyed with the idea of him being hired to kill William buy some unknown debt collectors, however didn't want to impose on the story. Still, I figured I'd throw it out there. Obviously, he wouldn't actually kill William, that would be bad, but it would make for some tense moments...
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Rank: Mr. Fabulous

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, haven't seen much of our webhost recently.
Ewan's Golden Glass
Fine Alcohol and Good Times

Who the hell is Ewan Bushmill?
A reference: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7319
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Quite a few ladies I haven't seen in awhile so... Wink
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are a lot of holidays coming up, I'm sure he's busy getting surprises ready for everyone he's responsible for. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:06 pm    Post subject: My Fursona Reply with quote

My PBB names and info

Name: Coul Wilfer

Age: 24

Hight: 6'2

weight: 165

Occupation: Adventurous to Body Guard for Hire ( a part time Jobber alot of times tho)

Species: Raccoon.

Hair Color: Dark grey

Hair Style: Short combed back spike like style, with a small ponytail with a small dark red ribbon tied raound it.

Fur Color: White with a hint of light blue

Eye colors: A Yellow Gold.

Uniform: Similar to the "Royal Navy uniform", but no hat
colors dark colors red, grey brown.

Additional Accessories: A Golden EarRing on his left ear. and a customize made Cutlass Sword mix style shape of a Chinese Dao Sword, the sword is named "Hybreed"

Alittle History: He was a traveler or "traveller" and went to seas and ships
visiting other foreign cultures and studied them alittle, and wrote notes about them. He then design and customize the sword to his liking fuse style to a Cutlass, and made his own fighting style for it, that is way different then the Chinese martial arts swordmenship style.

Hobbies: Learning history from other cultures.

Fighting style: (For those who wonder)
it's like a "shoulder shove rush tackle" with a quick sword draw or the opposite around sword draw first then shoulder shove.
but basic cutlass swordsmanship and "own style" martial arts

Other Fursona Folks or Friends He knows:
Johnn Bondovi: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=99712#99712

Orin J. Cage: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=100571#100571

George Nethon: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=101483#101483

Jane Nethon: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=101483#101483

Ms. Bran'Valance: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=101483#101483

Heather Brass: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=101483#101483

well these are old drawings i did...

basic mug shot

Basic nude drawing for body detales

My Bon Bon Fursona photo http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9703/coulwilfericonfinishsma.png

Theme Song that match for him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYuzXlwLfGw
My Fursona http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=100410#100410

How dare they use casment window designs,
it's so last century ಠ_ರೃ
◕ ◡ ◕
"I'm gonna miss all the things we'll never do.
I just can't believe you left me here alone,
How in this world can I make it on my own?"

Last edited by cheesecaked on Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:27 am; edited 7 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

member since 20th September 2009

Name: James McDonald

Species: Golden Jackal

Age: 19

Height: 5 ft 10 in

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Long blond hair. No facial hair.

Clothing: on casual occasion he wears collard long sleeve white shirt which he wears unbuttoned with the cuffs undone with black pants and shoes. on more formal occasions he wears a black gold trimmed suit with a white undershirt

physical description: very muscular physique. Appears relatively young for his age. Golden yellow fur (standard golden jackal markings), tattoo of a snake eating its own tail on the right side of his chest (the symbol of the morag tong.

personality: fun loving and humorous he prefers to joke around rather than engage in serious conversation but when the situation calls for him to be serious he becomes intensely focused. Though he Always carefully plans his actions and decisions he's always ready to do things just for the fun of it.

sexuality: James is heterosexual. though he is young he has received training in seduction as it is a key method of infiltration.

Occupation: mercenary: although he accepts jobs involving fighting or battle his particular skills have made him particularly sought after for assassinations.

history: James McDonald was born in 1876 to Trevor and Lisa McDonald. His early life was spent traveling with his parents, he was kept a secret from their employers for fear of discovery by their enemies. During his childhood he received special training from his parents in preparation for the day when he could join them as an active member of their organization the Morag Tong. When he was 8 years old James was discovered by a spy which had infiltrated the Morag Tong he was kidnapped and held while his parents were forced to fight to try and retrieve him. During the final assault against his captors he escaped, killing many of his captors and finally helping his parents kill the one who took him hostage. With this act he was officially initiated into the Morag Tong receiving the place of the spy he killed and his katana as a reward. He spent the rest of his childhood training under the masters of the guild in combat. At the age of 13 he was assigned the rank of assassin and given his first high priority mission. James quickly rose to a very high status within the organization and eventually gained high enough rank that he was allowed to roam wherever he chose as a free lance operative.
wondering where the jackal came from: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7940 updates here or there

Last edited by relentless on Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:06 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn, I was really looking forward too seeing if I could get my custom avatar.
don't worry I'm just your average quantum physicist
New Fursona
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been here so long that I neglected to post my fursona here. Here it is and it will be subject to change until such a time that my fursona is completed.

Official Join Date: May 28, 2009 (May 29 for the boards)

6 Month Date: November 28, 2009

Name: Runai Kaltsere (Roo-nye, Kal-sair)

Age: 20

Eye Color: Violet

Height: 5'9

Weight: 159lbs

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Species: Spring Green Fox

Profession: Post Master/Linguist

Ethnicity of Origin: Iceland

Skills: Telegraph operating, marksmanship, master ocarina player, Knowledge of Nordic Languages to create his own written codes, and knows 10 different languages.

Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Navajo, Russian, and Latin.

Weapon: A custom rifle built to match his outfit, mostly for show, but is still considered deadly when used in defensive situations.

Accessories: A small Armanen pendant that always stays around his neck.

Personality: Runai is a calm, caring individual whose eagerness to do everything to the best of his ability often averts his attention from many of the different 'activities' that transpire around the town. Slow to judge and forgives easily, he tries to permeate a tranquil aura about himself. His only drawback is when somebody around town who is a resident becomes threatened, he changes from one who is quiet, to one who is quiet and deadly, shown by the forceful way he moves as opposed to his gliding movements. He is very intelligent, a skill necessary for his job when needing to translate letters or being able to correctly deliver letters that come in various languages.

Hobbies: Studying foreign languages, symbology, practicing with his 12 Hole Tenor Ocarina.

Status: Silver Jack (Status allowing him to cross beyond the town's borders)

Biography: Runai Kaltsere was born and raised in the town of Liadja (Name subject to change to Miss Vanessas tastes), the town adjacent to Bon Bon's location, living as the son of the local innkeepers. Throughout most of his younger years, he frequented the large hill connecting the two areas between the mountains leading to what his parents call 'the town of unsavory characters'. It was only natural that his childish rebellion eventually pushed him beyond it from his home, and into the role as the mailman of Bon Bon. Two years later, upon his 18th birthday and deemed an adult, he opened Bon Bon's first official post office, 'The Brass Handle'. Since then, he usually wears a blank expression behind his scarf-like mask as a way to keep from blushing. (Name subject to change, also to miss Vanessas tastes).

Quote: "A letter is more than simply words on a paper, it is the very emotion expressed to the reader who could not be there with them.

Sexual Experience: Zero, Zip, Nadda. With all that Runai experienced, the thought of any sexual activity never passed his mind. Even then, he questions himself based on the concept that he may or may not enjoy it, though he is often tempted with great zeal. He can be affectionate given certain situations.



It would ultimately look like this character, except the outfit would be green with black trimming rather than blue with silver trimming, and with a fursonalized look with his ears hanging low pointing out from the sides, and his face hidden, giving off a more professional look, but outside work, he removes his hat to reveal more of his face. He keeps his fur from showing to divert anyone from being too interested in him. Instead of having the bee embroidered on the hat, it would be replaced with a door knocker (Or anything that is named after the post office given if miss Vanessa changes its name)

Last edited by Rune174 on Sun May 23, 2010 7:41 am; edited 9 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

let my chains be broken so i can fly

my FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/linkcollins/

my fursona's details http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9362

ref pic of link the king cheetah http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7618854/

Last edited by dragonfly on Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:17 pm; edited 38 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

joined - 21 Oct 2009

Name: Silvador Age: 24

Race: Pikachu Height: 5'2" Weight: unknown Tail length: 6'

Profession: Wondering Martial Arts Expert

Personality: usually carefree and a bit childish but capable of great maturity

Appearence: see image behind link provided

Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pikachu? Please tell me this is not serious. I don't want to sound mean, but I'm quite certain that Gochu there would be out of the acceptable limits for an avatar. If not even for the confusion of whether or not it counts as mystical, there would likely be some issues with copyrights, considering that there is money that changes hands to view the content here.

I'd recommend posting the fursona in the discussions and try to change it up enough so that you'd have better luck getting it made. It can also help you decide on more details to include. The more details you provide, the easier it is for Vanessa to give you what you want.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

we could let him get away with yellow mouse with lightning bolt patterns in fur but i think just calling him a pikachu is pretty well off point

hehe was drinking when i clicked on gochu pic nearly drowned in pepsi
wondering where the jackal came from: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7940 updates here or there
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

so i was given some bad directions on where to post my fursona, apparently it doesn't belong here. to anyone capable of deleting posts, feel free to remove it, otherwise, everyone just ignore it.

Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug

Last edited by Silvador on Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did some more research on Victorian fashions and decided to update Samuel's wardrobe to something a bit more fitting. I also went into more detail than before.
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The Adept
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mmebership starts December 3 2009
Age: 24
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 205
Build: athletic
Species: Wolf
Fur: Silver (it actualy reflects moonlight making it look like he is glowing)
Hair: Gray
Eye Color: Light Navy Blue
Occupation Psychiatrist / Psychologist
Scars:kyle has a 4" white patch that grew over the scar on his left fore arm from a accident where his brother accidentally stabbed him when they were playing with there fathers swords when he was a child.
Cloths Kyle wheres a Silverish suit and tie with matching pants and shoes.

Personality: Kyle is Calm Cool and Collective He is very well spoken and Can easily be called a ladies man (Even more so then Red Cool ) Hes not very intimidating at first glance and he can be very Persuasive when he needs to be. He is Strong Willed and one of the most loyal friends you will ever have.

Bio: Kyle was born in a Mountain town in Wyoming to James and Kayle Stingray. A extremely wealthy couple who had discorded oil on multiple parts of there land they owned. He was there third child the two oldest being Koga stingray and his twin sister Katarina Stingray. Kayle had a love for naming her children with the first name starting of K since it was her favorite letter in the alphabet but as a consolation prize Jame could gve them whatever Middle name he chose. Koga eventually left off to join the military and later became a mercenary since it paid better. as Kyle was sent off to a private school till he was 15 when i tornado came and took out the entire own he called home including his parents estate. by default Kyle and Koga inherited the entirety of there parents fortune making them both extremely wealthy. though kyle was to young at 14 to watch over himself koga being his older brother and 18 years old at the time became his legal guardian
Kyle is a very smart person even having a degree in psychology and has a Very large Knowledge of First aid he could easily Stitch up patient and guarantee little scaring. he needed money quick and a shrink would not be a great form of income in his environment. knew his fighting background would be perfect as bouncers and bodyguards where in high demand so over the next 3 years,he and koga finally settled there differences and started to helped out his older brother koga out on a mission to that guarded escaping slaves and refugees from there old country, became a body guard for various Casinos and brothels, while also giving therapy sessions to people who had witnessed shootings or having trouble coping with a recent lost a loved one or violent past.he does his therapy sessions at nigh so his fur could glow witch made his patients feel more comfortable as if they were talking to a guardian angel. Kyle Then went off to adventure with his Brother one last time before trying to establish his practice. Kyle and Koga end up escorting someone to bon bon which koga never shut up about had always told kyle about it in there spare time. Kyle decided to stay in bon bon to try to set up his practice there curious on how this town was different from other towns whos primary income were escorts. After a few months he established a very successful practice that landed him in the top 20 wealthist people who live in bon bon. He also had made several breakthroughs in the Psychological field.
A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8106
Escape of The Blue Rose (Story)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

To all the people who are waiting their avatar, once I'll be done working on the Christmas pin-ups I'll take care of drawing exclusively avatars for the whole months of January and February in order to do as many as I can, at least four new avatars.
This means that there will be a small break in Kommy's strip tease, but it won't be late, dear friends; I'm trying to appease mostly everyone and always do something as an alternative to something else. Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We are for the most part reasonable people, Vanessa. It is simply amazing the volume of quality work you produce in a month. Given the end results, we don't mind a bit of a wait.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm curious, how may of these members are still active? Do they still get an avatar if they have stopped posting?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:45 pm    Post subject: reply Reply with quote

participation..I shall participate
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shadow_Twisted wrote:
membership since: 05-22-09 (Had a previous membership and could e-mail the subscription confirmation for the previous account upon request, if it would count towards the 6 month requirement, even though I've heard it won't.)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

membership since: 03/19/2009

Name: Sahtori Kamaya (aka GotN)

Age: almost 1 universal year 3400 in earth years so rather you write: UNKNOWN

Profession: Thought for pleasure bon bon she's a good stand up comedian. As for hobby work she's an artist and draws exclusive portraits for people in pbb

Species: Kamaya (rare species made it up myself)

Height: 1,25 m or around 3,3

Weight: you don't ask a lady that...

Hair: Always short at back but long at front, she wears it at a lot of different ways.

Furr: Sandy with pink chestmark
Hair: Sandy with blond strokes.

Eyes: Blue

Build: In past GotN had children so you can tell on her hips that. Though GotN doesn't remember her past life. After her death she became Goddess of the Night (dreams is her speciality) But these are things that do not matter in BonBon since she doesnt remember them anyway.
Small breast who are covered. GotN doesn't like showing her nakid parts to anyone.

Interests: Causing trouble with/for the ladies in the delight castle.

Clothes: Aslong it's got transparant parts and it's pink/purple or heavenblue she wears it. She only wears exotic types of clothing and silky. She loves using trinkets in her hair, such as stars and bells.

Weapons: She has 'very' sharp teeth.

Personality: cute, sweet but reserved. Doesn't share herself closesly with males nor intercourse with them. She's good friends with females and loves to play with them a bit. But that doesn't make her a lesbian (she doesn't go THAT far). She just loves to pester them and trust them more then she does with guys.
Gotn wont harm any guy unless you harm her first.
She can be chidish sometimes too and quik to cry she knows how to play the harp a bit and uses her strong sense of humor to make the people around her laugh. She's easy to be loved by males, specially because of her 'hypnotic' eyes.

GotN can only be found after sunset till dawn in PBB during day she's residented in her "Basket" located/hidden in Betty's room, only Betty knows this secret of GotN and no one else. This will be explained in the future comic made by myself.

Note: Gotn doesn't use powers in PBB because of Vanessa's rule. She just uses her sharp tongue to make you ROFL.
The pet thing is something i couldn't scrap.

I'm sure Vanessa has the reference sheet of my character, so I wont post link to it, since it's private.

- Karine
Dreams come True if you B E L I E V E in me...
- the G O D D E S S
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, wait.... Whos cleared for avatars?
don't worry I'm just your average quantum physicist
New Fursona
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where have you been hiding, dude?
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