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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:42 pm Post subject: |
Good luck Allison.
*levitates herself heading to the Central Building #5. Alice dives to grabs the smoking carcass of the jeep, using it as shield then a a throwing weapons when she find it unfit to the job. She aim at the left hummvee hoping to get rid of the gatling gun in the same time of the soldiers inside it. Ready to use it as her next throwing shield.*
Captain America was a wimp. |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:59 pm Post subject: |
>_ Metafurry "Alice Bakk": incoming tactical support.
>_ Metafurry "Allison Jet": power levels erratic.
>_ Enemy combat chassis targeted.
NumLock walked tall and determined towards the hummvee on the right, taking the time to look up at Alice wielding the smoking ruin of a jeep... He used his Metaviral computer to zoom in, recording video and taking multiple snapshots of the heifer and her assets.
"Score one for the panty shot..!", he said aloud with a grin. Suddenly, he opened fire with the aid of his targeting power. The three hired guns were shot in the neck; the soldier at the gatling gun, the driver at the wheel, and the passenger soldier who juped out to aim a rifle at the green fox.
>_ Multiple targets beyond the right side vehicle. Targeting...
"Not enough bullets... I need that gatling gun.", he said nonchalantly. _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:11 pm Post subject: |
(ooc: Just a simple curiosity Leaf. Does Fredrick Rogers work (or used to work) in this military base or we won't have any hint of his handiwork by raiding it here? )
*continues her advances toward her target. Catherine throws vehicule only to pick an another one more. She feel lucky that she can uses her telekinesis to hold her coat into a solid kinetic shield that protect her of shrapnel and unavoidable bullet. She sadly fear that it will not be as easy once she crushed the heavy blast doors of the Central Building #5.* |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:44 pm Post subject: |
"GOD DAM IT" riku shouts before grabbing the steel gate and wrenching it fully of its hinges with a loud cruning noise and tossig it into a crowd of on comeing armed garudes and crushing them under it
then snarling at the form of alisong he was planning on haveing ghost and byron disable the alarm system but thanks to numlock and alison it was to late
"idoits.... fine guess im gonna have to destroy what ever stands in my path now"
rushing into the meta labs feclitys riku dodged a car that blow up and suddenly shot out a burst of electricity before smashing his way though a barricade of soldires and heading towards central building '5
suddenly ghost burst out laughing when the alarms soundid and landid next to byron and realsed his claws
"hahaaaaahaaas best get brace bunny there....., hahaaaaa......BOOOO"
ghost suddnly grinned as solders surround them and opened fire but instead of bullets everything went pitch black ecept for byron and what the poor rabbit would see is ghost tearing the bodys of the soldier apart in agonising pain while they screamed in pure pain and terror
but if byron was to look ghost was acutely saveing there lifes as thesr soldier's where intent of killing them but it was plain to see that no one stood a chance against the monster of nightmares _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Leaf Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009 Posts: 2178
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:40 pm Post subject: |
(OOC: He used to work at the military base here. At the time of this game, however, he is quite cocky and may have left some clues behind. He is careful enough though to not leave his name on any documents or files.)
The sounds of the alarms filled Bryon's ears as he watched soldiers swarm out from the buildings to stop the Metas. The rabbit knew he wasn't a good fighter, so he frantically looked for a way to get inside somewhere and steal what they came for.
Bryon could only watch in horror as Ghost tore through the troopers that surrounded the two Metas. The sight of the carnage terrified the rabbit so much, he ran into the nearest building he could find and slammed the door shut.
Elsewhere, a darkened figure was watching the battle ensue via monitors and cameras. His eyes took in the ensuing chaos, observing how the intruders were utilizing their powers... _________________ My Fursona
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:14 pm Post subject: |
="X-Base, Central Building #5, South Gate =
The green gunslinger slammed up against the door frame next to Riku and Bryon. He was wielding a minigun and had it's ammo feed on his back.
"Mr Edgewing, I can hack computers with my artificially intelligent Metavirus strain, but I decided against going ninja when you showed up with your typical "fuck you" way of saying "hello". What I don't get is why Ghost is literally dis arming the enemy for us? What's up, cat?"
He kept his snout down to peek around the corner, but another hail of bullets turned the edges of the laboratory entryway into splinters and sparks. NumLock flipped the safety off the minigun. He turned to Bryon.
"Mister Rabbit, would you have any idea why this deep into the American South West the jeeps carry Shipunov GShG 7.62 millimeter weapons?", he asked, quickly fring a few rounds from said weapon into the entryway.
>_ Area Identified. Metavirus Development Laboratory located. Status: Active. Disable Y/N?
Just after firing, NumLock again took cover. His left eye twitched. "Why in tarnation did Alphonse send us here!? Shit, I should've taken the Harrier..!"
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:25 pm Post subject: |
*presses against the blast door while using her telekinetic powers make it break. Alice knows it would be easier to push it back on the side to return it to her previous position but it would leave her without cover from attacks from the inside. The soldiers outside aren't a major threat to her but this place risk to have anti-meta defences. the blast door will make a good shield until she find better.* |
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Thorne Rank: Veteran

Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 728
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:18 pm Post subject: |
feeling a tingly sensation surge through his circuitry, Thorne perceived a force tearing off one of the base's blast doors.
"Yay company!" he mentally shouted with amusement. He sent mental commands to the defense implements he was in charge of.
The base's cameras supplied him with visual feedback, a figure was carrying a shield was in the hallway of the first floor.
"A female of the bovine variety....quite interesting," Thorne thought too himself.
As if he were commanding his own body, Thorne prepared the hallway's defenses, Robotic arms were erected and Stun turrets were charged.
He then sent out a welcome over the hallway's intercom,
"Hello there miss, having a pleasant stroll down my hallway?" Thorne called out playfully.
((Thorne has been installed into Central Building #5's defense systems, he has little information on how he got to this point, all he knows is that he can't feel his body let alone move it. His mentality hasn't been compromised, and his curiosity is inextinguishable.)) |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:25 pm Post subject: |
= Central Building #5, South Gate =
Despite his size, the Metavirus in his body allowed NumLock to carry the heavy Russian minigun in one paw and tip his Stetson hat at Alice when she arrived. His fascination with Ms Bakk's hard body was interrupted by his technologically mutated Metavirus, or Metatech, as he called it.
>_ Warning: Energy spikes detected within virtual infrastructure. Superior technical defenses activated.
>_ Comparing virtual data with known Metafurries: "DJ Syrinx"... "Glitch"... "MotherBoard"... "Warewolf2099"... "-1".....
>_ Scan does not match known biotech-dispersed Metavirus furry data. Retry Y/N?
NumLock raised an eyebrow at the voice that came from the loudspeakers in Central Building #5. It seems that even the enemy wanted to flirt with the gorgeous super heifer. If it wasn't for the way that Riku Edgewing looked at her, NumLock would have called dibs.
>_ Enemy chatter confirms they approach with armored vehicles.
>_ *NL, "Chatter? Ignore the radio and hack their network to pieces already!"
>_ Phreaking hacks abated. Rootkit hacks abated. WiFi hydra hack... aborted. Computing new defense parameters... Computing... Mathematics of Chaos required. Killswitch Engage protocol Y/N?
>_ *NL, "Cowboy up!"
NumLock always worried about switching control of his body to the artificially intelligent Metavirus. Months ago, Ghost had let him wallow in that fear of letting the software control what his spirit could not. It nearly killed the gunslinger. But now, the Metatech used NumLock's body to target the Laboratory's main hall defenses and fire off a few more minigun rounds. In the meantime, NumLock's virtual form soared through the electrical noise in the air, searching for the binary source of the loudspeaker voice.
"Hot damn, " he thought, "... Allison Jet must be making a buffet of Ghost's leftovers..!" _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:40 pm Post subject: |
(ooc: Question: When Num lock reply to his metatech can we heard him? I suppose that the metatech talk in impossible to heard but maybe Num Lock reply are. Also, it is good to see at last that your technological attack doesn't have a 100% success rate.)
I will. Can I convince you to make the stroll easy or I will have to fight my into every basement level that this bunker has?
*walks slowly through the corridor. Alice expect that the first floor be mainly administrative function but She doesn't want to take the risk to miss some useful data.*
Num Lock be ready to scan every computer hard-drive that we will meet. I doubt they are stupid enough to put them in network. |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:49 pm Post subject: |
(Out Of Character: Answer: When NumLock is talking to his artificially intelligent Metavirus, it happens in his head. Because he contracted a military biological nanoswarm version of the Metavirus, he calls it "Metatech". NumLock is a low level Metafurry because he fears losing control to it's original function. )
= Central Building #5, South Gate =
The large corridor had gone quiet for the moment. What the others did not know yet was that the Metavirus was moving NumLock's body, targeting the ceiling mounted rail gun at the end of the hall with his own. NumLock's concentration was on the virtual representation of Central Building #5's computer systems.
"Just pointing out the obvious Ms Bakk, but there's more beyond the next doorway. My Metatech has identified this place as a Metavirus Development Laboratory. Whatever Alphonse wanted us to find must be further inside, because it's software protocols are locked pretty damn tight..."
= Inside the CB5 System =
NumLock visualized the system as a virtual copy of the corridor they physically stood in. He had disabled the rail gun over the door at the end of the hall with a simple hack fired from his virtual pistol. Unfortunately, the door protecting the lab was three feet of composite steel and multiple levels of security programming. He devised a few trick bullets of haphazard coding and fired at the virtual door. It blinked once.
He spoke from the virtual world through to his real body. "It's gonna take time we don't have for me to assimilate their source code and annihilate it. I'll go track the big voice through their shared hard drives and see what's there. You try brute force. We should also thank Ghost and Allison for keeping the hundreds of enemy personnel away from our position."
NumLock's body aimed the rail gun high at the huge door. "I've got you covered, babe."
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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Thorne Rank: Veteran

Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 728
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:55 pm Post subject: |
A reply from the bovine heroine was an unexpected pleasantry, company his hard to come by when locked away in a secured research facility.
"Well miss hostility isn't my primary protocol," Thorne replied
"However, this facility has provided me some wonderful toys to play with, it would be rude not to play with them," stated Thorne in a cheerful manner.
"I think you can help me play with my toys."
The robotic arms of the hallway were commanded to slowly spin about, the stun turrets also spun about.
Another presence crept into Thorne's awareness, the base's circuitry had acquired an unexplained anomaly. A turret escaped Thorne's control.
"Yet another guest of a peculiar variety,"Thorne exclaimed to himself.
Thorne struggled to locate the new entity but called out to it.
"Welcome guest, you're welcome to haunt this circuitry but mind the the sinkholes, they can be unpleasant." Thorne warned.
Last edited by Thorne on Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:01 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Mayfield Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 21 May 2010 Posts: 11790
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:48 am Post subject: |
((OOC: *yawns* So, what'd I miss? )) _________________ "I have currently run out of fucks to give." - Me
Rhoda Mayfield |
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 pm Post subject: |
(ooc: Since you last post. We collected the data about the mission. We moved next to it and begins to build a plan. Riku and Ghost arrived and plan was scratched. After that we uses the front attack technique everyone going further in the base for its own reason. Now part of the team reached the scientific bunker and face the defence inside it. Alice try to get to the new inventions first of fear that Riku try to destroy it. She is also not sure if Ghost won't do it too, she cannot predict this beast. At the last news, Allison should be outside the bunker fighting soldier but Alice didn't check on her since she started to fly toward the the electric fence of the base.)
*nods at NumLock. Alice punches a hole into the door to hold it like a shield hoping it would be less cumbersome.*
Okay, we will play. By the way, can I have your name?
*starts to accelerate the pace looking for a elevator or better a stair to go lower into the bunker. Alice could hit the floor with her telekinesis to make a hole but she don't want to break something important or be in contact with a broken electric wire. Wondering if Riku or Bryon will follow. She wish that Bryon would follow and Riku will stay guard the entrance and no destroy the tech but she knows that his target is probably what she need to recuperate. Fate can be a bitch.* |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:57 pm Post subject: |
Mayfield wrote: | ((OOC: *yawns* So, what'd I miss? )) | (((OOC: Hello :3 Well, remember waaay back in the beginning when Alphonse hired our Metafurries to get something from a miltary base? We messed up going in, so now the entire base is headed in our direction. Ghost is having his way with the first wave, but the second wave is going to hurt unless Allison Jet has something to say about that.)))
= Central Building #5, Laboratory Corridor =
NumLock's Metatech kept the rail gun trained on the ceiling mounted cannon as the voice spoke through the loudspeakers, and Alice looked for a way inside the Laboratory. Meanwhile, his ears twitched to follow the movement of the other robotic weapons protecting the Lab door. The weapons were not charging, so there was no calculated need to move. The fox would seem robotic to anyone looking.
= Inside the CB5 Computer System =
NumLock's avatar walked determinedly on a virtual dusty road, following the trail of the sonic signal to it's point of origin off in the distance. He raised an eyebrow and flicked his tail.
"Whoah... What sinkhole?" he asked aloud.
>_ [ESC]! CB5 processors not part of the shared network. Speed is superior. Avoid applet.
NumLock then noticed he had walked onto quicksand.
"Shit! Reload!" exclaimed NumLock, his avatar fading into the sinkhole coding and restarting away from it instantaneously. He took off running down the datastream - and sang.
"Yeah, I'm a cowboy - On a steel horse I ride - And I'm wanted - Dead or alive.." He leapt like an Olympian over another sinkhole on the datastream, landing perfectly on a Harley Davidson chopper. The Metavirus power had begun to use it's assimilated upgrade from the military base system to speed up NumLock's avatar. He zoomed along from that hard drive to another, following the source code trail of the mysterious voice.
NumLock addressed the voice. "Ya'll let me know when you're ready to duel. Because my posse and I don't need a key when we can break in..."
He paused, noticing a change in the binary image up ahead. "Well, alrighty then..."
>_ Upgrading hacking data defenses.
NumLock's Metatech changed the body of his virtual motorcycle to an amored form, and included the Russian minigun onto a sidecar. NumLock sped up.
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:53 pm Post subject: |
riku let out a very pissed of growl before smasking his fist into the wall and makeing a huge hole in it and suddnly turned his arms into steel before smashing his fist into the floor makeing it crak and give way
riku landid heavely in the laborty down below and coudnt see from the dust but suddnly growled as a loud macine noise was heard and he had to dive to his left as a barrage of bullets was fired at him unable to see what had fired at him riku lets out a snarl and makes a dangerus dersion
"COME ON THEN LETS SEE WHAT YA GOT" riku then skids out of his hideing place and hears the same machine noise rever up but before anything is done riku collides into something with a huge cruncheing noise and suddnly relise's it was a robot soldire he haad just destroyed
then hearing more noise he see's a barrg of soldires burst into the room all aiming there guns at him
"well well well looks like im out numberd HEY GHOST GET YA PALE BUT IN HERE and kill these fuckers"
a suddne hystrical laughter fills the entire buliding and who ever is in the building at this time is suddnly plunged into pitch blackness and the air suddnly turns icy cold and insane voices are heard of that to witch belongs to mental asylum people being torteched "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA blood flesh being ripped apart from liveing bodys as your worst nightmares fill ya mind takeing control and filling ya very heart with true terro"
to what happens next every person in the building see's as three long black claws beagane tearing though the bodys of the defenceless soldires as evdry one of them is bruitly murderd in sicking and twisted ways to witch any of the group of metas can ot esacpe seeing or hearing _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Thorne Rank: Veteran

Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 728
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:27 am Post subject: |
With his attention divided Thorne confronted his multiple visitors.
Not feeling threatened by the female bovine, Thorne caused the robotic arms to childishly knock on the shield door as the bovine passed through the hallway.
"You're an interesting bit of flesh ma'am, the other flesh beings that walk these halls are rather boring," replied Thorne. "I am called Thorne my lady, but you address me as you wish." "I can feel three others creeping about are they your friends?" asked Thorne.
The presence within the system became clear to Thorne's perception, it even addressed him as if it a program with in the security system. The appearance of a two wheeled land vehicle and a rider was very puzzling but interesting.
"A dual much like a video game? I'll play!" Thorne replied to this mysterious motorist. Thorne spawned motorist version of himself on the side of this viral guest.
The third and fourth intruders were more bothersome than the other two. Thorne could only watch, the systems on that level weren't under his control. He watched as long as he could, but a red liquid eventually blocked the lens of the security camera.
The word violent echoed in this section of Thorne's conscious, "These threaten my survival" Thorne exclaimed to himself. |
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:14 pm Post subject: |
(ooc: Dragonfly, doesn't killing all the sentient being except us in the building will make the action part of the topic less entertaining? Let me fix it for you.)
*detecting no life sign from any registered staff the automatic release a red gas. It is a mix of the metavirus and healing nanomachines. Death organical matter start to shift and fusion with nearby cadavers. Soon, towering meta-furry stands up. The nanotech rewritten their mind process to make them guardians, the fact they super strength, accelerate healing, iron stamina and are a lot more resistant to damage that a normal being only make them more fierce. At the same time, the defence start to prepare the next line of defence, from the high radioactive bullet turret to the flame thrower in passing by by neelde gun turret that inject an antibody to the metavirus, will lethal side-effect to the cured.* |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:33 am Post subject: |
(ooc: Ignore them then. This zombie don't see Riku as a meta, Riku are carry no weapon so they doesn't recognize you as a threat. They are not more smart that an orc in bloodlust. Do your stuff, I will do what I had talked with the other before you posted. I plan to have some fun with this part of the topic.)
*throws her shield that the two first boars that reach the top of the the stair. Alice starts to run forward trowing punches and kick with an added telekinetic shock waves like she always do in combat. She half happy to enter in a good fight where her opponents don't stay on the ground after the first strike and half worried about what Riku and Ghost doing downstairs. She is sad to admit it but while Riku was always a little wild card, it seems that it became worst since his near death experience. She didn't expect him calling Ghost for help. They seems to pump up each other now.* |
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Leaf Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009 Posts: 2178
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:11 am Post subject: |
(OOC: Sorry about the delay. My e-mail did not pick up this RP for some reason... I'll try to make up for it with this post.)
Bryon panted as he tried to catch his breath, willing his heart to slow down. He took a look at his surroundings, taking in the sights of the computers and vials. The rabbit spun around as someone slammed the door shut behind him. Seeing it was Riku, he let himself relax somewhat.
"I-I'm fine, Riku... It's just that Ghost was... Merciful heavens, that was brutal."
He spotted a small file lying atop a nearby table. Bryon clutched the paper and began reading its contents, confusion etched across his face. "Odd... It looks like they were trying out some kind of serum. But what exactly...?"
He did not get to finish because the sounds of gunfire suddenly filled the hall, the bullets ricocheting and smashing everything. Bryon spotted the cyber cowboy carrying a large minigun in his paw like it was made of paper and firing at the soldiers outside.
With all the chaos, Bryon began to formulate a plan. "If I know these kinds of places, there's undoubtedly someone in control of all this... If I can find the leader and capture him, maybe they'll stop?"
The rabbit spotted an air vent near the floor of the laboratory. He took a pen and hastily scribbled a note for Numlock and slipped it in his coat. Bryon slid over to the vent and used his pocket knife to remove the vent cover. He took one last look at his friends before he started crawling his way through the vents.
Bryon was not aware of what was happening apart from muffled explosions and shouts. The rabbit was feeling claustrophobic from the confined space of the ventilation system, but he had to keep going. His breathing and grunts echoed through the shaft as he crawled, making random turns and twists.
Eventually, he found himself lying atop a vent cover, gazing into a room filled with vats. A strange blue liquid was swirling inside the vats, bubbling and shining under the florescent lighting. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the room and jarred the ventilation shaft from the roof. The rabbit had no time to react as he found himself being flung out of the shaft. His body twirled in the air before he landed inside one of the vats, blue liquid being flung in the air as he dove beneath the surface...
Back at the, the lone figure had seen Bryon's fall and dive into the vats. A feral smile flashed across his face as he activated his radio.
"Samuel... One of the intruders has fallen inside a vat of our MS Serum 19 in the Containment Warehouse. Bring him to the Testing Facility at once."
Reaching inside his desk, the figure then pulled out a gun. A small blue vial dart was loaded inside the chamber of the gun as he prepared to make his leave. He turned to a nearby soldier and said, "Be sure to keep an eye on the intruders for me. I have some... work to do."
The figure's eyes shone with madness as he left the room, making his way to the lab... _________________ My Fursona
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:12 pm Post subject: |
= Central Building #5, South Gate Wreckage, Laboratory Area =
NumLock's Metaviral nanoswarm moved his body, firing the minigun at the oncoming Hummvees to prevent them from crashing into the building. Ghost was stronger, destroying the psyches of many enemy furries, but also haunting his would-be teammates with his terrifying illusion. It was all the Metatech could do to keep this from jeopardizing NumLock's virtual heroics. Then, as originally programmed, it identified the enemy's second wave cavalry.
= CB#5 Virtual System =
Just when he was going to say something to the avatar following him, NumLock had a pop-up window display Ghost's attack. The shock caused him to lose control of his virtual motorbike and divert onto the secured accounts receivable hard drive. Every which way he turned his head, the pop up window showing Ghost's imaginary massacre in high definition stereo was frustrating. He had to wait for it to end. He had to wait for Ghost to be satisfied with the deaths of... hundreds.
"Sigh... Ghost, you rotten pussy..."
>_ Mission Abort. Riku Edgewing created access to lower level laboratory facility. Defense droid destroyed.
>_ Mission abort. Ghost has eliminated furry enemy combatants.
"Damn, I'm going to need a shrink and a serious cerebral reformatting... and a LOT of liquor... And some nice juicy vagina.", said the green fox cowboy as Ghost's vision faded.
>_ WARNING: System Defense A.I. is targeting you.
>_ WARNING: Dead enemy combat chassis compromised by MSS12 - Metavirus Aerosol Dispersal... Identified. Version 1.0 of Host... Upgrading.
>_ WARNING: 665 Level 7 enemy combatants armed and engaged. Flee Y/N?
"They're like me!? Shut up computer, and let me see!" A string of windows showed chaos. Alice displayed never before seen power and martial prowess against the undead Metas. Bryon had gotten close at one point, but quickly disappeared behind exploding debris. Riku's image was difficult to see due to his natural power surges. Allison and Ghost were not in his field of view.
>_ WARNING: 662 Metatech enemy combatants now heavily armed. Flee Y/N?
"Hell no, and hell no! Cyborg zombies are software, right? There's got to be a way to defeat them!
>_ WARNING: Shipunov GShG 7.62mm ammo near empty.
"Circle the wagons! Assimilate and adapt their bioware! I must try a mass system deletion, but I'm going to need a boost... from Riku's stolen home computer."
>_ WARNING: System Defense A.I. is behind you. Flee Y/N?
= Central Building #5, Laboratory Corridor =
"_>SH1T!", exclaimed NumLock aloud. His minigun disintegrated the heads of four undead Metas before it ran out of bullets. He swung the minigun around like a club, backing up near Alice and Riku's backs. Ghost had killed the personnel of X-Base, but the Metavirus strain reanimated killing machines.
And they were being surrounded.
((OOC: I promise my posts will be shorter and not so complicated. My super fur's perspective is happenning at incredible computer processor speeds.)) _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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Thorne Rank: Veteran

Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 728
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:39 pm Post subject: |
Thorne's motorcyclist copy rode up on the intruding cyclist, rear-ending the opposing virtual cycle. "Virtual paint trade!" yelled out Thorne, enjoying the situation as if if was a video game.
The majority of Thorne's consciousness was focused on the growing threat in the lower levels of the research facility. "An increase in free radicals, very detrimental to my survival" Thorne thought to himself. Reassessing the restraints that had been placed on him, Thorne began to seek out a way to extend his control of the base. "The visiting motorist may serve as a proper medium," Thorne speculated to himself. Thorne concentrated on how he might accomplish a virtual escape. |
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:04 pm Post subject: |
(ooc: I don't mind long post. You can keep doing it as long they are coherent with the rest of the roleplay and you don't end up rereading it puzzled about what the character just did. Sadly, I know few persons that are able to pull that even with a short post.)
*runs down the stair before the zombies get a chance to stand up and attack her again. While they take time to regenerate this boar are a big problem in group and she needs to move on. Alice has some loot to grab and an awesome reward to collect. She hopes get it today. Sadly for her there that more of them in this level.*
*throws the nearest enemy, not wanting to get overwhelmed under the number before starts to punch her way through the enemy. Luck make him slam against a door. It tears it out of its hinges and revels a large vat with a familiar rex rabbit inside it.*
Bryon! Hold on I am coming.
*kicks away a huge hog that was grappling her and flies toward the blue vat before dive inside to rescue Bryon. Alice curse herself the moment she enter the liquid that have notthough to the possibility that the content could be dangerous for her.* |
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Leaf Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009 Posts: 2178
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:11 pm Post subject: |
The swirling liquid sloshed about inside the vat, yet the rex rabbit was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that was left of him was his pocket knife lying on the bottom of the container...
Elsewhere, the shadowy figure had made his way to the Testing Facility. He chuckled to himself as he gazed at a body lying upon an operating table. The shadow smiled as he picked up a needle filled with red liquid and injected the serum in the body. "Excellent... It'll prove to be quite a valuable specimen. With it along with the other projects, we can stop them! _________________ My Fursona
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Last edited by Leaf on Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:22 pm Post subject: |
= CB#5 Computer System =
When the CB5 system's A.I. slammed his virtual motorcycle into NumLock's, a flurry of numbers preceded by a minus sign appeared over his Harley. Normally, NumLock would ignore the coding physics, but his hat hung from the end of his snout. This was some hard hitting software protecting the Metavirus Laboratory. Perhaps the data on the biological drones the gas reanimated was what Alphonse needed?, he thought, adjusting his hat and looking at the systems avatar through his side mirror. With a flick of the wrist, NumLock sped away into the deep subroutines of the base system, turning around to fire rootkit hacks from his sidecar rail gun. He was demanding answers from the A.I.
= CB#5 Laboratory Corridor =
NumLock's Metatech identified the undead enemy weaponry:
>_ Radioactive Bullet Turret
>_ White Phosphorous Flame Thrower
>_ Automatic Needler Shotgun
>_ Bayonet
The Metatech drove his empty Russian minigun down the nearest undead Meta soldier's throat, and stole its Needle Shotgun. Six undead soldiers were felled before it noticed Alice inside the huge vat of blue liquid. Unable to identify it, the Metatech determined it was dngerous to it's Host's ally Alice. NumLock's body ran into the mysterious room and fired six times at the blue vat's transparent casing with the needle shotgun. It cracked only slightly.
NumLock's body computed NumLock's sense of urgency and determined a flying kick would crack the vat open and set Alice free. He ran... and jump kicked...
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:46 am Post subject: |
ghost and riku and moved on deeper into the labs but had now found them self surround by soldiers but they didnt seem right
growling angrily riku shot of a blast of electristy shocking three of them but even gow powerfull the blast was and still smokeing they rose again and pointed there weapons at the two incredibly powerfull furs
of corse ghost just burst out laughing and extendid his claws before vioculy swipeing at one and litrely tearing the poor things head off
"ARRRGGGGG we dont have TIME FOR THIS BULLSHIT....what the hell are these thing why do they keep getting up my electristy should have fried them ........"
suddnly knowing they where getting swarmed riku had to thnk of something and fast then he heard ghost suddnly let out a joy full noise
"MMMMHHHHAAAAA there zomies ohhhh yes i should have relaised sooner from there dark aura's just watch" suddnly a evil aura surround ghost and he folated upards before letting thin black like plasm shoot from his aura and enter the bodys of the soldiers who suddnly lowerd there weapons and saluted to ghost "MHHHHAAAA NOW THERE MY PUPPETS
riku gave a pissed of look and growled before smashing his fist into the wall and breaking it "great now we have puppets....fine im going on ahead something dosnt feel right"
rushing on a head and leaveing a histocal laugheing ghost behind skiding around a conner he froze two boar solderies heading his way and smashed them pieces before stiping and flicking his wrist a small deivce open and bleeped telling riku he was near his sorce
"SHIT SHIT SHIT this is takeing to long arggg short cut time" makeing his fist turn into steel he smashed it into the fllor witch cracked then broke but this time riku was not prepeard and just missed being shot before he went down with the floor and landid fully into a huge contier of blue liquid and felt something on his foot
getting his foucs thanks to his water ablity he saw it was alice and suddnly he know what they where in and had to get her out fast "SHIT ALICE YOU STUPID WOMAN"
knowing he had one choise he was about to ecete a manover to get alice out before he saw numlock prepare a kick and he suddly throw alice out of the contair and shhot out hiom self before landing on the floor himself panting
riku not careing about his goal now the only thing he was worried about was alices safty as she had just taken in a heavey dose of the virus and who knows what it would do to her _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Catherine_Puce Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 21 Jan 2010 Posts: 2264
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:07 pm Post subject: |
Never mind me. Bryon was in the water tank minutes ago, I jumped into to retrieve him. We have to rescue him. I dive, I can take responsibilities and deal with the consequences.
*hits a wall and damaging it with a telekinetic shockwave.*
This is not like my powers disappeared or anything. |
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Leaf Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009 Posts: 2178
Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:28 pm Post subject: |
The shadow was bent over the figure lying upon the table, placing a small microchip upon the back of its neck. "Time to wake this specimen up."
The shadow took out a small gun-shaped device and aimed it at the body. As soon as he pulled the trigger to the device, the microchip activated, causing the body to twitch and squirm. Suddenly, the body started to float on its own accord, hovering several inches off the table before righting itself onto its feet. Its eyes glowed an otherworldly blue as it opened them.
"From now on, your codename shall be... Poltergeist. Whatever commands I give to you will be followed without question. Do you understand?"
The figure, now known as Poltergeist, slowly nodded at the shadow. Rather suddenly, the shadow's radio blared with the sounds of his confidant.
"Sir! We've just gotten word that the intruders have moved themselves into the Containment Warehouse. One of our vats was destroyed, but it seems that one of them was also doused by the compound."
The shadow muttered heavily as he picked up his radio. "I see... In that case, we may need to use the other specimens after all. Release Specimens 112 through 119!"
"But sir, I-"
"Do not question my orders! Release the specimens as I commanded," the shadow yelled before slamming the radio down on a nearby table. He panted heavily as anger coursed through him.
"Looks like it is time to test your abilities," the shadow said to Poltergeist. "Now... Go out there and rid us of those intruders!"
Poltergeist silently nodded to the shadow before it floated out of the Testing Facility to intercept the intruders... _________________ My Fursona
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