Wolf Stride Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 18 Dec 2009 Posts: 7678
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:03 pm Post subject: Wolf and Grimm 2.0! |
Name: Wolfgang Aurelius Stride (( Wolf for short. ))
Physical Description
Weight: 146
Height: 5.6
Gender: Male
Species: Alaskan Wolf
Age: 28
Color of fur: Dark Blue
Visual:What does he look like? Black Coat Jacket with some Black Hunting pants and the boots to match. It's not informal, but can also pass for a suit. Short Fur and thick build make his physical appearance and the fact that he is small hides how tough he is.
Mental Description
A serious type person that enjoys solitude and isolation, but doesn’t mind company most of the time. Prefers being quiet over all talking, anyday. Only speaks when spoken to. Quite the Cynical bastard, ain't he? Needs help here, due to lack of maturity.
From a very young age, Wolf was a hunter. Not something that was too far fetched, since his family lived in a backwater town in Alaska. Him and his dad prefered the night hunting over day, seeing as... well, the sun wasn't really there all the time. Night just seemed more natural. If it wasn't massive Snow storms, it was blanketing darkness, things that honed their senses to great lentghs. They could hear hoove steps at 50 yards away, or spot a Kodiak at 200 feet in pitch darkness. He grew up to be a pretty bright kid, both in personality and with the textbook. Some even called him a prodigy at times, seeing as he grew up with a mind for math.
Like all good things though, it all came to an abrubt end. One day, daddy didn't return from hunting and mommy was particularly sick. Without him, they really couldn't do much. Alaska was pretty much filled with men who believed women shouldn't mount to great things and since all was to his name, things went to hell fast. Wolf was too young to buy medicine from the Apthecary. So like any good, young and reckless boy would do, he picked up his hunting gear, his knife and gave his mother a kiss goodbye. It took him hours to find his father's trail and days to to follow it, the route leading lower and lower down the mountains, going towards the penisula. In three days, he had finally arrived to where the trail went cold, a cave by the edge that was obvious to be belonging to a bear. Fearing the worst, he rushed inside. And there was the snacked on corpse of daddy. This was surely a traumatizing experience, but worse yet, the bear was right behind him. The massive feral creature thrashed the boy and nearly ate him.
He ran away in the nick of time, braving the worst of his injuries and miraculously making it out with just his left arm broken. However, he had gotten more than just a few scrapes. His left eye had a pretty nasty downwards scratch and even though the eye somehow made it unscathed, it was bloodshot and was losing blood. He managed to make it to the river, before falling unconscious due to blood loss. He was found hours later by another group of hunters and tended to his injuries.
When he woke up, it had been three days past. The first thing he thought of was his mother, the traumatic experience with his father now giving him a phobia for bears. If he couldn't save dad, he wanted to at least do something for mom. By the time he reached his village however... his mother had passed away. Her fever grew and without the medicine, she did not last long. The poor boy was scarred, literally. His wounds were tended and at the tender age of 7, he was now orphaned. Villagers were a greedy bunch too, so instead of helping the young boy, they tried to take what little was left from his broken home.
It was in one of those attempts that someone broke into the log cabin and stole multiple items of value, while trashing other pieces with sentimentallity in them. The boy was young and confused, so he did what first came to mind. Torch it. After the robbers had left, he took what little money he still had, anything else of value that could be sold and a bandana from his dad, he let the house go up in flames. He too the first ferry mainland and never looked back.
Since he was still young, he had to figure out many things before his age. Food, Water, shelter, education and boy were people not his friends. Many tried to take advantage of the child and some even tried to kidnap him. And even though his painfully long story of growing up as an oprhan, running through streets and petty shows to scrounge up money, he finally had a break of entering a school. His hunting days were past him, so it was up to studying to put bread and mead on the table now. Teachers were so surprised, he even skipped a few grades. His most notable performance was when he substituted a class in short notice concerning history in the discovery of America.
At the age of 15, he had already flown through high school, but it was still not enough. He couldn't get a job, or enter a University due to his age and money was still a factor. So he relied on good old cooking to get things done. Like a ladder job, he just started cooking at the lowest thing he could find and from there on in began his innate ability for cooking. He simply knew just how much of what to add or when it was just right. From Pasta to meat. From dumplings to Desert. From Curry to Spanish Rice. His cooking was respected far and wide.
Finally, he hit the big 18 and after many years of living in the underside of society, he decided to enlist in the army. By now he had to funds to study practical medicine and surgery and had accumulated a good friend along the way, someone he treated like a little sister. It was also during his military career that he met Grimm, during one of his many, many visits to the infirmary due to brawls and unexplained injuries. Still, he didn't deploy, nor have any of that extravagant military record that most do and simply remained on standby in the 18th Infantry. At one point, he was actually asked to become a Spec Ops man, something he didn't refuse. It was still the same, only a bit of harsher training and more practice with the M1 Garand than anything, along with sneaking around with heavy gear and Bomb Disposal. All the fancy tricks. In all his time, he just then said 'fuck it' and left the military. No, not by the standard methods, but simply went AWOL. He had plenty of funds on him still, medical training, cooking skills and hunting ability. The stereotypical man and all at the age of 23.
How did he fly past life? Simple, he just went into hiding with his friends, flying all over the world to enjoy it's myriad of beauties. In 2 years and a half, their funds were beginning to dry up. So they finally took up the last set of jobs in their little history. Assassination. Be it sniping from a distance, slitting a politian's throat, anyone could be killed for the right price and until this day, Wolf has never worried about money ever again.
Now, he arrived to Bon Bon simply because he like how well hidden the town is. Assassination orders still arrive from time to time, but he is planning to open a Medical Practice in town, seeing as there is none other than the small Infirmary in the Police Station.
He a Chef and a Surgeon. His real source of income is not something he discussess lightly with others.
Silent. Too silent. Cynical too and doesn't know how to joke much. He cannot handle his drink, but cannot refuse one when invited. He's a bookworm to the core, so seeing him witout one is a rare occurence. He will also stand up for what is right, defending women in Bon Bon from leecherous men who would rather take advantage of them. Don't try to fight him though, this guy's built like a tank.
Sexual Life
His sex life is based basically on uncertainty. He isn't the best one when dealing with sexual intercourse, but he certainly knows how to get into them with his 'gentleman act'. All he does is follow his instinct.
Other facts
He likes books, almost certainly carrying one with him at all times. He's a gun nut, knowing how to disarm and put back a Colt Single Action Army revolver blindfolded. He has a bandana over his left eye, covering some of his larger than most scar. One little book he carries of interest is patched in black leather and carries info on targets, some even in Bon Bon. He's also taken up Guitar, playing Flamenco style music in his spare time as a hobby. Needs plenty of practice though.
Name: Grimmjaw Diebal Locke (( Grimm for short. ))
Physical Description
Weight: 186
Height: 6.5
Gender: Male
Species: Black Panther
Mentality: Basically, he'll stick it in anyone and anything.
Visual: Big, annoying and over the top. He's just as big as the next guy and sports a snow jacket everywhere he goes. Same pair of pants, these ones cream colored to fit the white jacket and and a shirt beneath. Not the fancy kind. He also wears boots, mostly as preference.
Mental Description
He is outgoing and always enjoys talking to other people.
Not very silent, he ususally ends up being the life of the party when he enters a converstaion, most of the time leading it.
Cocky with women and enjoying a peaceful, quiet afternoon, he is quite a gambling hand, most of time creating a fracas in the Palace Casino.
He has a strong will and a 'never say die' attitude.*
Grimm's life was a little strange. His parents were thieves and were always on the move, going with different names and different traits each time. Grimm never really got accoustomed to it and hell, he never even learned where he was born. Money has never been a problem with him, since pickpocketing, breaking in houses and doing things without others knowing he was there was always his forte.
When he was 9, his parents got into a dispute with other thieves. Turns out, that those same thieves were on the same heist, on the same night. He can't remember what the heist was about, but he does remember being part of a prolongued gunfight in a museum. Mommy was injured badly, not making it past the second day where she was taken to a Hospital and died midway there. His dad was partly lucky, escaping with a single shot to his leg and coming out the other side. However, it hit a nerve and his heist pulling days were over. Grimm was willing to continue the gang of thieves life, but they still had enough wealth to live off the rest of his days. His father just decided that it was time to settle down and send Grimm off to school, something that Grimm didn't like. He wasn't all too keen on his studies, nor was he the brightest. Still, he somehow survived highschool and got into University like any other man his age.
In time, he got the sudden bright idea of enlisting within the Military, the thought of living off his own money appeasing. To him, life was fast. Hellishly fast, so why not speed things up? He could've gone for a position as a soldier or a sniper, but noooo. He took up Signal Intelligence, where he began to lsift through numerous transmissions and search of Intel. He never got any real action, so he just ended up pushing papers and seriously regretting that decision. In his Army time, he still wanted to live a fast life, so whenever he was stationed in some other base, he snuck out by night and began becoming an Assassin by trade. It paid good of course, but he never really cared for cash. He began life loaded and was gonna finish it just the same.
He often got into bar fights with his other crew and even other battalions for all sorts of stupidity. His love for bars honed his stomach to a razor sharp point where he can drunk three times as long as any other booze drinker. Hell, he even likes the saying 'I'm drunk as a skunk and twice as smelly!'.
During one particular bar fight, he was shipped off to the Infirmary where he met Wolf. As a joke, he began to treat Grimm without using any pain killers or anesthetics. Of course... this only made Grimm come back more often since, he began enjoying this pain and bringing him to the life of a masochist.
In time, he began seeing his friends less and less and life just went slow. Too slow. When he heard of Wolf's brash and rather inmature decision, he was all game for following the AWOL line of duty.
He brought Wolf into the Assassins game and the two made killings in money and in actual murder, things that were highly common in those times. Wolf had then lost contact with them for some time, so he stayed back with Wolf's half sister Carmilla. He had too much respect to even dare think of having sex with her and she grew to be a part of their misfit family too. Grimm loves messing with her and will give arm and leg for her if the need arise. One day, he left Carmilla with plenty of money to live her llife without lifting a finger and went to Bon Bon, simply for the slogan 'The town of pleasure'. It was coincidence that he found Wolf there. He now lives in a house with the guy and is currently known as Town Jackass, due to his evil pranking and the like.
Assassin for hire, Chef, Intelligence Analyst and Scout.
Outgoing, and almost always with a smile on his face.
He always wants to see a lady happy and would give anything for it.
One that is always eager to make new friends and values them above all else.
He enjoys being an ass around town, his jokes and booze contests well known by now. Hell, he even has Betty sending the police after him at times, due to his 'Midnight peeping'.
Sexual Life
He holds back in at first, but he puts all his strentgh to intercourse halfway.
He makes sure to always make a mess, even if it is uncalled for. Loves oral and more specifically, pleasing his partner first and foremost. He's an ex-slave, having fallen for that whole Domination and being a pet thing some years back to particular Military officer back in the day.
Other Facts
Always loves to make fun with and of his friends.
He hides a small arsenal of weapons under his coat. They rattle whenever he tries to fold it or generally move. He's good at keeping the sound smuffled, but... not that often he does that.
Loves to flatter women in more ways than one, often getting slapped in the face.
Always loves a good drink, but has never turned down a drinking challenge. Known to be quite the obnoxious bastard around Bon Bon. If he's nearby and he's happy, the best course of action is to run.
This 'ere is my two main furs, the entire Bio remade to not be as sappy and depressing and 'OMG Emo guy who's tough and shiz'. They still tough, just uh... less emo. One is inmature and serious, the other is a jackass. Enjoy!
PS: I made this new page fir a reason. Ignore me now! I dare ya! _________________ http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=238903#238903- Wolf & Grimm!
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wolfstride/ = My FA |