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PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks! Oh, just a hint about how the Harpy prestige class is gonna look like, in just two words: "Dragon disciple".
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Big news! I've just been asked to stage a session of "Vixine: the RPG" at a gaming con next month! Is that cool or what?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

By the way if you still want the book of erotic fantasy, check out frp games at www.frpgames.com they have it stock as well as several more titles to choose from.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just thought of doing this, how would you go about using some of the races from your other online comic/manga paws for thought. The question in general concerns the felitaurs, the spyder mages and Alar Khar's clans in this?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Already got it, thanks... My favorite store placed an order for a limited quantity, and the store owner kept one for me. He was astonished! He said they vanished like ice under the sun! But then, given the quality of the book, I'm not surprised Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I'd probably have to build a new FLF to accomodate the four legs of the Aths (the felitaurs)... the Shikaar (the spyders) can be built using the Multi-limbed monster FLF and the Massive and Armored everycreature FLFs, and for the shapeshifters of clan Nekhat one can just use the same FLF that is used for the doppelgangers... they're similar enough.
Only problem I see in using the three races is that they come from a different planet; that's gonna be one long travel Wink
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2004 2:58 am    Post subject: Just one day... Reply with quote

As the message title hinted, in about 22 hours from now I'll be staging my first demo game of "Vixine: the RPG". If it goes well (and probably even if it doesn't), I'll probably put up Alpha version 1.1 soon after.
Frankly, though, people, I'm scared witless... in many years of GMing, this is the first time I do it in public, at a Con.

Wish me luck!
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:55 am    Post subject: Well, con is over Reply with quote

...it has been for quite a few days, actually. And the players LOVED the game! None of them had ever used furry characters, but they liked the concept nonetheless. You can just guess how I feel about that Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Anyway, back to business: the revised Version 1.1 Alpha is ready, and will be up quite soon. It has a few extras that I hope you'll like... plus the little adventure I ran at the con: "Yet Another Rescue Adventure", an introductive game for 1st level adventurers.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A promise is a promise, as they say... so here it is, Alpha version 1.1, with quite a lot of extra stuff, for your gaming enjoyment.
Oh well... hope you'll love playing it as much as I loved creating it.
Who knows, maybe after a little extra work I'll declare it upgraded to Beta...
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hiya, long time no post.. Love the latest page of the VT comic, but I had a question about the RPG: I noticed it explicitly states the "feel" of the Vixine RPG is meant to be light-hearted and "innocent" (as innocent as a comic focused on sex can be, at least). Which is why the villains are virtually all incompetant and threats are usually rather "weak"...

But what about those of us who prefer a bit harder "edge" to their comedy? What about those of us who find some of the jokes from comics like Slaine (where someone comments on the practice of decapitating the last man on the battlefield by saying "it encourages punctuality") where Gallows Humor is common? And what about those of us who prefer their comedy fantasy to be a bit more subtle, more "discworld" then "monty python"?

I think there should be an appendix, at least, which suggests how to make the Vixine RPG a bit more "serious" (but not depressingly so) style of campaign? Or do you think that should be left to individual GMs?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could say "I offer the environment, then each GM uses it as he sees fit", and extoll the virtue of independent GMing... but I'd be feeding you a load of bull.
Truth be told, I'm no good at "dark humor", maybe because I don't find it funny... It's a quirk of mine, I guess. I vastly prefer the "Animaniacs" kind of fun to the "South Park" one. Anyway, I'd say that the elements to make that kind of humor are already there... one just has to discard the slapstick elements.
As for subtle humor... well, on that I can safely say that it's perfectly viable, although as of my experience offering subtle humor to the average player is like inviting a bull into a china shop. Laughing
Mind you, a reason for the style of the module could be that I tried to follow the kind of humor I placed in the comic itself...
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Been meaning to respond to this a long time ago: Been busy with my own homebrew campaign setting, but I love the setting of Auris so much, I'd love to set a campaign in it as well, although, as I mentionned, I'd make the humor much edgier, more Southpark and perhaps more like Internet cartoons then Saturday Morning fair with tits.. Wouldn't take too much work, to be honest, just dropping that "nobody gets hurt" rule. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, you're the DM, so do as you see fit... the "Nobody gets hurt while having fun" rule was just a guideline to send things in a cartoon-like way (although many players I know would surely abuse it... do something horrendous, then do a funny gag to avoid being utterly annihilated, if you know what I mean). My only suggestion is to keep the "nut-kicking" rule... some "high 'n mighty warriors" deserve it anyway Laughing
By the way, I'd like to ask you a couple of things:
1)So, did you like the "harpy" prestige class?
2)As a beta-tester (you offered, right?), do you have some observations or comments about the game as it is?
Oh, before I forget: I have a third version of the game ready. Nothing major, just redesigned the geography to fit within the map that was posted in the message board... Only difference, mainly, is that Aura is now surrounded by mountains, Faerun(i.e. Forgotten Realms)-style, and that the eastern lands are actually WEST! Oh, and the oriental dragons are called T'ai Dragons now (occidental dragon sounds pretty fishy Wink )
Well, that's it. Hope you'll be able to put in some suggestions...
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for reminding me of the beta-testing.. Been caught up in my own campaign and a few other games with my gaming crew, but we've agreed to run a play-test session for the Vixine RPG when we get a chance sometime soon. I'll let you know how that pans out.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Out of curiosity, is this RPG project free to distribute yet, as long as we dont alter the files in any way (thereby showing that it is, in fact, your work?)
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:03 am    Post subject: Playtest Report, Day One: Character Creation Reply with quote

Well, last night my players and I conviened for a character creation session that went rather well, aside from one player who left in a huff after I told her she couldn't give her bat psion/rogue gestalt free prestidigitation and the ability to use Control Object to pick locks without tools. I was sorry to see her go, but I ain't letting a player get the abilities of an Arcane Trickster without playbalance.

Anyways, other then that, things went well. The PCs are as follows:
-Rel, a Bunny Cleric with Bootylicious, Cute and maxed out Looks. Essentially, she's Too Good Looking to Hit.
-Whiskey's playing a Fennec Fox (former Dominian Black Mask) Bard with the Cute FLF; his concept is that he's a very cute fox who doesn't like being treated as such.
-Shauntea's playing an Orc female cleric of Gronag, who, in spite of her beauty, hates being treated as a sex object and reacts violently at any attempt at "picking her up".
-Silkis is playing a Doppelganger Sorceror from Daatplash
-Finally, for Fenrys, I made a Barbarian Wolf Ranger with an Int of 9, focusing on the Stamina Combat style (He's Rel's boyfriend, so I figured I owed him that much.) When he got back from Anthrocon a day early last night, I handed him what I made of his character and he said he'd finish the rest, tinkering a bit.

All in all, things went rather well, and almost everyone made the character he or she wanted, and within playbalanced rules. And all characters were designed true to the spirit of the world of Vixine, to boot (complete with a bunnie with the Lapine Oath).

Some notes:
-One of my players asked if Body Language and Performance: Sex were Class Skills for any class. We finally all house ruled that on Auris, they'd be Class Skills for everyone.
-Secondly, I'm still concerned about ruling that the Barbarian Class is only for the Wolf tribes of Barbarian. How about renaming the class Berzerker, saying that Wolf Berzerkers are Barbarians, and that Berzerkers of other nations have different names? After all, I could see the She-Hordes of the North, the Nomadic tribes of Caryda and especially the Orcs develop "Berzerkers" of their own.
-Finally, I'm also building the party's first enemy, a Jackal Cleric/Sorceror with a necromancy theme (based on a familiar old enemy of the party from another campaign. I figure they'd like seeing him again). So far, I've built him by making him a typical jackal, then adding some pretty icky feats from Book of Vile Deeds: Evil Brand and Lichloved. Mostly because I didn't notice any FLFs that would've been appropriate. How about adding villainous FLFs like "Evil Laughter: When you laugh, you cause those around you to shudder in fear at the sound of your voice/get a +4 Bonus to Intimidate when laughing maniacally" or "Gothic Look: you have a definetly dark, gothic and villainous look to you, and you look good in dark clothing/get a +4 bonus on social skills with Evil beings, and +2 to your looks when wearing dark leather, spiky clothing, or anything else that looks like S&M fetish clothing...

Well, that's it from me now. Next report will involve the first play session: I'll spend the week designing a small five-room dungeon full of undead for them to explore..
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Out of curiosity, is this RPG project free to distribute yet, as long as we dont alter the files in any way (thereby showing that it is, in fact, your work?)

Guess so... Still, remember that it's an Alpha version and a Work in Progress.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Rom... Happy to to hear you were able to put together a few cool characters (pity for the bat lady, but sounds like you were just fair.)
As for your proposals:
-One of my players asked if Body Language and Performance: Sex were Class Skills for any class. We finally all house ruled that on Auris, they'd be Class Skills for everyone.

Yes, those skills are universal. I forgot to put that in... Sorry! Embarassed
-Secondly, I'm still concerned about ruling that the Barbarian Class is only for the Wolf tribes of Barbarian. How about renaming the class Berzerker, saying that Wolf Berzerkers are Barbarians, and that Berzerkers of other nations have different names? After all, I could see the She-Hordes of the North, the Nomadic tribes of Caryda and especially the Orcs develop "Berzerkers" of their own.

Well, that sounds like a nice idea! Still, "berzerker" is a term usually associated with random destruction... What about "Fury" or "War Rager"?
-Finally, I'm also building the party's first enemy, a Jackal Cleric/Sorceror with a necromancy theme (based on a familiar old enemy of the party from another campaign. I figure they'd like seeing him again). So far, I've built him by making him a typical jackal, then adding some pretty icky feats from Book of Vile Deeds: Evil Brand and Lichloved. Mostly because I didn't notice any FLFs that would've been appropriate. How about adding villainous FLFs like "Evil Laughter: When you laugh, you cause those around you to shudder in fear at the sound of your voice/get a +4 Bonus to Intimidate when laughing maniacally" or "Gothic Look: you have a definetly dark, gothic and villainous look to you, and you look good in dark clothing/get a +4 bonus on social skills with Evil beings, and +2 to your looks when wearing dark leather, spiky clothing, or anything else that looks like S&M fetish clothing...

Actually, those look more like Feats to me... one isn't born Goth, after all Wink Still, I like them, and will work on them for sure! And, moreover, why limit them to Villains? They can make for fun NPCs... and even funnier PCs! (imagine the poor adventurers that get saddled with a Goth bard, or the good Cleric who just happenned to grow up in Dominion... and thinks that THAT laugh is just a normal one Laughing )

I'll wait eagerly for your next one! Just a suggestion, though: put a few living opponents in the dungeon, Undeads are usually mindless... and thus immune to cuteness!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, quick update: spoke with the bat's player again, and she explained to me exactly what she wanted. Turns out it wasn't as unbalancing as I thought, since she's willing to pay psychic power points for the use of those abilities, rather then just get freebies. So she's back in: a Bat female Gestalt Rogue/Kineticist, level 4 (+1 for the Gestalt), with Winged, Blindsight, Cute and Foil.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Yes, those skills are universal. I forgot to put that in... Sorry! Embarassed

S'ok, that's what playtesting is for.

Well, that sounds like a nice idea! Still, "berzerker" is a term usually associated with random destruction... What about "Fury" or "War Rager"?

Fury sounds good.

-Finally, I'm also building the party's first enemy, a Jackal Cleric/Sorceror with a necromancy theme (based on a familiar old enemy of the party from another campaign. I figure they'd like seeing him again). So far, I've built him by making him a typical jackal, then adding some pretty icky feats from Book of Vile Deeds: Evil Brand and Lichloved. Mostly because I didn't notice any FLFs that would've been appropriate. How about adding villainous FLFs like "Evil Laughter: When you laugh, you cause those around you to shudder in fear at the sound of your voice/get a +4 Bonus to Intimidate when laughing maniacally" or "Gothic Look: you have a definetly dark, gothic and villainous look to you, and you look good in dark clothing/get a +4 bonus on social skills with Evil beings, and +2 to your looks when wearing dark leather, spiky clothing, or anything else that looks like S&M fetish clothing...

Actually, those look more like Feats to me... one isn't born Goth, after all Wink Still, I like them, and will work on them for sure! And, moreover, why limit them to Villains? They can make for fun NPCs... and even funnier PCs! (imagine the poor adventurers that get saddled with a Goth bard, or the good Cleric who just happenned to grow up in Dominion... and thinks that THAT laugh is just a normal one Laughing )[/quote]

That's a pretty good idea.

I'll wait eagerly for your next one! Just a suggestion, though: put a few living opponents in the dungeon, Undeads are usually mindless... and thus immune to cuteness!

Good point. I was thinking of giving my Jackal Necromancer some living allies anyway... Like a dark dragoness... all the attributes of a normal aurian dragoness, only she's evil! And sadomasochistic! bwahahahaha!! Twisted Evil

Other ideas I've had: a male, huge, crossdressing Ogre, a female hyena with a demented jester motif (as a foil for Nakht. ...I might as well do a whole lot of Batmn jokes with her. Wink ), and perhaps something like a Blackguard... But I can't think of a good comedy hook for one...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

perhaps something like a Blackguard... But I can't think of a good comedy hook for one...

If I can offer some suggestions, you could try:
1)a little dorky fella with LARGE glasses, wearing all the trappings of a mighty champion of evil (Dark Helmet style): "In the name of Evil, I shall smite thee... WILL YOU STOP LAUGHING?"
2)A doppelganger paladin with a double personality, that switches from a sexy lady paladin to a burly blackguard when she hears "Evil" and back when he hears "Good" (of course, the Blackguard knows of the Paladin, but the opposite isn't true): "You want me to cover your back while you smite the forces of EVIL?" *poof* "Why, suuuuure..."
3)A non-evil "bimbo" blackguard with Cute, Bootylicious and Milk Producing (and an Int of 5), that "does the evil thing" because it's cool: "Why, like, yes! I'm, you know, e-vil! Can't you see the black armor and stuff?" *squeal!* "EEEEEEE! Where did you get THAT cape? Think you could get me one? It's, like, so COOL!"

Or you could do something else entirely...
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, Playtest update: My bat-thief player decided to trade in her bat for a male ram/half-ogre barbarian from Duh (son of a She-Horde warrior who got kicked out of the village at adolence according to old tribal law).

Our first session was a roaring success, in spite of the fact that, as always with me and my PC group, I never seem able to give them a capable combat challenge... One Flamestrike from one of the cleric PCs managed to dispatch many of the Ghoul guardians I'd placed for the dark temple that served as a dungeon; the rest were scared off by the illusion of a carrion crawler.

So afterwards, they entered the temple and found the main villain, Baron Dorn Laguare, a jackal and necromancer priest (Cleric3/Sorceror4), and his 9 zombie minions. In spite of a good bit of talking and Dorn getting in some good hits, he was nevertheless dispatched quickly by a combo hit of Shockwave (to knock the villains all down) and Bahdax the ram barbarian charging in to chop the prone jackal... dealing 39 damage to the 27 HP villain. Poor guy... His last words were "Gaaah... geez... this hurts... even more... then it... loookssss... ....""

The remaining zombies were kept pinned with Grease, so I ruled they'd have no problem dispatching them (it was getting late for me anyway), and ended the session by having Dorn's girlfriend, the black fire dragoness, walk in through the front door and seeing the carnage...

...to be continued. Twisted Evil

All in all, my players loved the game, but they agreed they didn't use near enough innuendo as they could've. Also, they went and used up their big guns right from the get-go... I just might surprise them later...

Some ideas I had:
-Ghouls; Instead of having ghouls be the standard creepy, vicious corpse-hungry monsters from the Monster Manual, I figured on taking advantage of their good intelligence and give them some decent speech skills.. ...and making them into a bunch of nasty, foul-mouthed perverted wretches who've mastered the art of the "Paralyzing Grope", using their paralysis attack with a Grope touch attack instead of a clawing or biting.
-Male Dragons; speaking out of experience with other rps in the past, I think it's a disservice for all male dragons to basically be a bunch of nigh impotent doofs more interested in a good book then in a piece of tail.. It'd be interesting if some others were sexually active... Only as Gay Males, and for a rare few (not just Cutsies) to be attracted to females as well; only the ones attracted to females woule be damned rare, and thus highly sought after...
-Grope Attacks. I'd figure this would make an interesting battle option, basically a Touch attack intent on grasping a firm, desirable piece of warm flesh. I figure the result would probably be equal to a stun attack from shock.

All in all, everyone had fun, which is the point of the game, really, and next session, I'll be playing the encounter with the dragoness, and perhaps with some other surprises as well...
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, well, well...
Sounds like you all had fun! Of course, there are a few things to say...
a male ram/half-ogre barbarian from Duh (son of a She-Horde warrior who got kicked out of the village at adolence according to old tribal law).

Um... well, actually I designed the girls from Duh as genetically unable to have male offspring (that explains her continuous need for "boy runs"), but as I always say, "in your campaign, YOU pull the stops", so fine by me.
Our first session was a roaring success, in spite of the fact that, as always with me and my PC group, I never seem able to give them a capable combat challenge...

Wink Ouch! Looks like you and I got a point in common... Many of my game sessions ended up with the monsters getting totaled! Laughing

-Ghouls; Instead of having ghouls be the standard creepy, vicious corpse-hungry monsters from the Monster Manual, I figured on taking advantage of their good intelligence and give them some decent speech skills.. ...and making them into a bunch of nasty, foul-mouthed perverted wretches who've mastered the art of the "Paralyzing Grope", using their paralysis attack with a Grope touch attack instead of a clawing or biting.

Well, given that even in the MM they're defined as (barely) intelligent undead, and given the common motif of the Vixine universe, it was a very good decision: after all, what stops them? Very Happy
-Male Dragons; speaking out of experience with other rps in the past, I think it's a disservice for all male dragons to basically be a bunch of nigh impotent doofs more interested in a good book then in a piece of tail.. It'd be interesting if some others were sexually active... Only as Gay Males, and for a rare few (not just Cutsies) to be attracted to females as well; only the ones attracted to females woule be damned rare, and thus highly sought after...

Well, I don't know... You see, I had to make playing as a dragon quite difficult (else most players would be walking around as them... they ARE living juggernauts, after all), and making them "hard to get aroused" seemed like the ideal choice; furthermore, I think that explaining why at a certain age they suddenly turn sexually active is easier than explaining why at the very same age they switch from gay to bi...
Of course, your idea would make most encounters much nastier, with most male characters running for the hills at the very sight of a boy dragon... After the first fights turn into kissing-and-groping free-for-alls as the dragon's "erogenous effect" kicks in Twisted Evil
-Grope Attacks. I'd figure this would make an interesting battle option, basically a Touch attack intent on grasping a firm, desirable piece of warm flesh. I figure the result would probably be equal to a stun attack from shock.

Mmmmaybe... but only on the first one done in an encounter: after that, the groped would either respond favorably to the groper, or he/she wpuld slap him/her into next week! I'll think about it. (of course, some races are better off not groping... large talons, touch attacks and energy auras make for a painful grope indeed!)
All in all, everyone had fun, which is the point of the game, really, and next session, I'll be playing the encounter with the dragoness, and perhaps with some other surprises as well...

Amen that. I hope the players didn't check the Dragon template carefully... else the battle could turn VERY weird VERY fast Laughing
Dragoness: "YOU! How dare you do th - Hey, watch where you grab, buddy - I said, I'll avenge... Mmm, that feels nice, no I mean you'll pay for oh my, a little to the left please... You darned interlOOOOH! OH GODS!" Laughing That could grow very weird very fast Wink

I'll be waiting for your next post quite eagerly Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Well, well, well...

Um... well, actually I designed the girls from Duh as genetically unable to have male offspring (that explains her continuous need for "boy runs"), but as I always say, "in your campaign, YOU pull the stops", so fine by me.

Well, by the time we'd gotten to playing, the character had already been made: he originally wanted his origin to be the result of an ogre raid on a She-Horde village (in spite of the fact it's normally the other way around), but still wanted a male from Duh, so I had to come up with something quick. If the subject comes up again, I'll simply explain his birth as a genetic quirk, or maybe some wierd prophecy...

Wink Ouch! Looks like you and I got a point in common... Many of my game sessions ended up with the monsters getting totaled! Laughing

Yeah. I just wish they'd let me get in some good strikes first. Damn dice-roller program we have never favors the monsters, initiative-wise, so the players nearly always ends up acting first, taking out their big guns at the first shot. I can't recall the last time I had an encounter that lasted more then one round of combat.

Next time, CR totalizing, my ass, I'm going to counter with a group of CR 5 critters... Maybe then they'll get challenged.

Well, given that even in the MM they're defined as (barely) intelligent undead, and given the common motif of the Vixine universe, it was a very good decision: after all, what stops them? Very Happy

Funny thing about that: they're supposed to be barely intelligent... and yet the default ghoul from the MM has Int 13... I figure Int 10 is a good middle point. ...And the perverted undead idea was inspired by Fred Perry's Gold Digger, and it's Perverted Skeletons.

Additionally, for the confrontation with Laguare, I used the basic stats for troglodyte zombies to simulate "default aurian zombies", even though they never had a chance to attack themselves. But I guess I can always make a "default generic aurian fur" using the FLF system, then add the zombie template.

Well, I don't know... You see, I had to make playing as a dragon quite difficult (else most players would be walking around as them... they ARE living juggernauts, after all), and making them "hard to get aroused" seemed like the ideal choice; furthermore, I think that explaining why at a certain age they suddenly turn sexually active is easier than explaining why at the very same age they switch from gay to bi...
Of course, your idea would make most encounters much nastier, with most male characters running for the hills at the very sight of a boy dragon... After the first fights turn into kissing-and-groping free-for-alls as the dragon's "erogenous effect" kicks in Twisted Evil

Well, one of the inspirations I had for that idea was the Dark Elf race from the "Wulf the Freelance" online stories. In it, the Dark Elven women are lustful and passionate sexual fiends, but the male Dark Elves are usually either gay or disinterested in sex altogether (channelling their energies towards other pursuits, such as worshipping dark entities.) Thus, Dark Elven women are incredibly frustrated with their males and, aside from the need to occasionally breed with them, usually turn their sexual urges towards one another or towards males of other races or even demons and beasts..

I just figured going a similar path with dragons would be amusing. Maybe the "sexually unactive ones until a certain age" are the default, and the occasional "sexually active, but only towards other males" are considered an embarrasment to other males and a element of frustration to females?

Mmmmaybe... but only on the first one done in an encounter: after that, the groped would either respond favorably to the groper, or he/she wpuld slap him/her into next week! I'll think about it. (of course, some races are better off not groping... large talons, touch attacks and energy auras make for a painful grope indeed!)

Indeed. Very Happy

Amen that. I hope the players didn't check the Dragon template carefully... else the battle could turn VERY weird VERY fast Laughing
Dragoness: "YOU! How dare you do th - Hey, watch where you grab, buddy - I said, I'll avenge... Mmm, that feels nice, no I mean you'll pay for oh my, a little to the left please... You darned interlOOOOH! OH GODS!" Laughing That could grow very weird very fast Wink

Actually, the moment she showed up, the players went "oh crap... I think this one, we better negociate with..." I think it'll be interesting to see them talk their way out of that one...

...And just between you and me, Laguare's still one of my favorite baddies. I don't think I'm through with him just yet. Sure, at this moment he's lying on the floor in two different spots, drained of blood... ...But I can still find uses for him. Twisted Evil
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If the subject comes up again, I'll simply explain his birth as a genetic quirk, or maybe some wierd prophecy...

Why not? after all, that's what magic is for Wink

Next time, CR totalizing, my ass, I'm going to counter with a group of CR 5 critters... Maybe then they'll get challenged.

...or just use the standard amount. DOUBLED.

Additionally, for the confrontation with Laguare, I used the basic stats for troglodyte zombies to simulate "default aurian zombies", even though they never had a chance to attack themselves. But I guess I can always make a "default generic aurian fur" using the FLF system, then add the zombie template.

Remember to add a bit of Int (vermin or animal level)... remember, zombies who take a powder when a dragoness shows up aren't THAT dumb! Laughing

I just figured going a similar path with dragons would be amusing. Maybe the "sexually unactive ones until a certain age" are the default, and the occasional "sexually active, but only towards other males" are considered an embarrasment to other males and a element of frustration to females?

...and a source of confusion to adventurers everywhere Very Happy I like it! Frankly, boy dragons aren't TOTALLY frigid... they just take it as "just another task". I doubt that gay boy dragons would be more frustrating than straight ones that do it "business-like" Wink

Actually, the moment she showed up, the players went "oh crap... I think this one, we better negociate with..." I think it'll be interesting to see them talk their way out of that one...

Agreed on that Very Happy

...And just between you and me, Laguare's still one of my favorite baddies. I don't think I'm through with him just yet. Sure, at this moment he's lying on the floor in two different spots, drained of blood... ...But I can still find uses for him.

That's what Resurrection spells are for... Although such a thing would make him indebted with clerics of Da'Kantu, or worse yet of Maklagar!
...or he could try for undeath. It's cheap, easy and has the only side-effect of incurable impotence (with a few, notable exceptions like Vampires and Banshees). Either way, things are gonna be interesting for both sides!
...or, as I once said, you could surprise everyone, including me.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, here's the situation update for my playtest campaign.. And it took a rather bizarre turn early on...

The dragoness who was Laguare's girlfriend walked in after they killed him, and just as she was ready to attack them, one of the pcs grabbed her legs (she'd went Large, he was Small) and started arousing her.. the other PCs ran with it and soon she was tied up on the floor, squirming in extacy as some of the various players tried fondling and groping her in various ways, our ranger actually tying her up...

And that's when the necromancer's ghost reappeared and tried the villainous routine again after berating his girlfriend for "cheating on him while he wasn't dead more then 15 minutes". Now, while that alone would've been truly sick a situation, the player playing the half-ogre ram battlerager went beyond the call of duty and actually started raping Laguare's corpse as an insult...

I had all the spellcasters preparing spells (including Laguare) make a Concentration check because of that horrible sight, and only one managed to keep her cool, and blasted Laguare with Searing Light.. He faded off in pain, cursing the heroes, leaving them with the now recovered religious icon and a tied dragoness to "tame"...

All in all.. a bizarre, disturbing and very amusing game session... Twisted Evil

Addendum: Oh yeah... they want to keep going with this campaign.. I guess they're really enjoying themselves..
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, that's one weird situation...
All in all, I'm happy they like the stuf (although I suggest you check the BattleRager's alignment)!
A few things:
And that's when the necromancer's ghost reappeared and tried the villainous routine again after berating his girlfriend for "cheating on him while he wasn't dead more then 15 minutes". Now, while that alone would've been truly sick a situation, the player playing the half-ogre ram battlerager went beyond the call of duty and actually started raping Laguare's corpse as an insult...

1) Looks like you chose BattleRager instead of Fury after all Very Happy
2) What's the 'rager's alignment? That's, as someone once said, a "not very nice thing to do"! (I think dropping a tarrasque on him would spoil the campaign, now... but maybe you could have a God's avatar - maybe Gronag, or another with more good intentions than brains - follow the team around and pelt him at regular intervals with tarrasques the size of squirrels! Laughing Oh, FYI... Think I should define what the divine Avatars look like?)

I had all the spellcasters preparing spells (including Laguare) make a Concentration check because of that horrible sight, and only one managed to keep her cool, and blasted Laguare with Searing Light.. He faded off in pain, cursing the heroes, leaving them with the now recovered religious icon and a tied dragoness to "tame"...

Aren't Ghosts basically indestructible until appeased? If so, this is gonna be fun for you Twisted Evil
Oh, just a humble suggestion: remember that dragonesses don't ask for sex... they basically DEMAND it! Remember Asheer? Wink

All in all.. a bizarre, disturbing and very amusing game session...

Addendum: Oh yeah... they want to keep going with this campaign.. I guess they're really enjoying themselves..

What can I say? SWEET!

Well, that was all I had to say. Any further suggestions or possible tweaking you could suggest? I'll be waiting for input...

P.S.: I thought that for the next version (current, albeit unofficial, definition: "Beta 1.00") I could split the various rules and elements in different files, for ease of consultation... What'cha think, is it a good idea? And another thing: do you think that any further (untested) Feats, FLFs and rules would be better as a separate file (to check them up), or assembled to the already existing files from the get go?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Well, that's one weird situation...
All in all, I'm happy they like the stuf (although I suggest you check the BattleRager's alignment)!
A few things:

1) Looks like you chose BattleRager instead of Fury after all Very Happy
2) What's the 'rager's alignment? That's, as someone once said, a "not very nice thing to do"! (I think dropping a tarrasque on him would spoil the campaign, now... but maybe you could have a God's avatar - maybe Gronag, or another with more good intentions than brains - follow the team around and pelt him at regular intervals with tarrasques the size of squirrels! Laughing Oh, FYI... Think I should define what the divine Avatars look like?)

Actually it was the player's own choice for name. I guess he preferred Battlerager over Fury. Oh well. ...Maybe I'll have to do that pelting thing, or think of a different "consequence", like having Bahdax get a reputation for necrophilia...

And the Avatar thing would be cool. I'm thinking Gronag could be a huge bull-fur...

Aren't Ghosts basically indestructible until appeased? If so, this is gonna be fun for you Twisted Evil
Oh, just a humble suggestion: remember that dragonesses don't ask for sex... they basically DEMAND it! Remember Asheer? Wink

According to the Monster Manual, they can be driven off or destroyed, but as long as the reason for their existance continues (in this case, vengance against the heroes who killed him, amongst other goals), then he'll just be restored in 2d4 days.

Oh yes, I remember Asheer. However I had to call the session to an end soon afterwards so I could go to bed.. But we did get to see our Orc Cleric "satisfy" the masochistic dragoness by using her Morningstar as a dildo.. pointy-head first.

What can I say? SWEET!

Well, that was all I had to say. Any further suggestions or possible tweaking you could suggest? I'll be waiting for input...

So far, I only have one: It'd be interesting to have something like a "Necromancer/City of the Dead" type culture of people who revere the Dead and practice mummification, with a cultural feat giving a bonus to "Lore: Religion" and "Lore: The Dead" or something similar, as well as an Intimidation bonus based on a basically egyptian/goth culture. Maybe something based near Caryda, for an egyptian flavor?

P.S.: I thought that for the next version (current, albeit unofficial, definition: "Beta 1.00") I could split the various rules and elements in different files, for ease of consultation... What'cha think, is it a good idea? And another thing: do you think that any further (untested) Feats, FLFs and rules would be better as a separate file (to check them up), or assembled to the already existing files from the get go?

Something more like the D20 SRD? I could go for it. It'd definetly be easier to share those files with my players, since I'd just have to give them what they needed.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually it was the player's own choice for name. I guess he preferred Battlerager over Fury. Oh well. ...Maybe I'll have to do that pelting thing, or think of a different "consequence", like having Bahdax get a reputation for necrophilia...

And the Avatar thing would be cool. I'm thinking Gronag could be a huge bull-fur...

Well, given that "Fury" was originally a female term, we could use BattleRager for a male barbarian, and Fury for a female...

I'll work on the Avatars in the next version (After all the testing is done, of course); oh, and using a bull is not a bad idea... I was thinking an ox, but if I remember well oxen are gelded.

According to the Monster Manual, they can be driven off or destroyed, but as long as the reason for their existance continues (in this case, vengance against the heroes who killed him, amongst other goals), then he'll just be restored in 2d4 days.

...giving a new meaning to the phrase "recurring nemesis" Laughing

So far, I only have one: It'd be interesting to have something like a "Necromancer/City of the Dead" type culture of people who revere the Dead and practice mummification, with a cultural feat giving a bonus to "Lore: Religion" and "Lore: The Dead" or something similar, as well as an Intimidation bonus based on a basically egyptian/goth culture. Maybe something based near Caryda, for an egyptian flavor?

Well, Caryda is more "arabian nights" than ancient Egypt, but who knows? Actually, a place quite similar DOES exist... the Undead Lord's domain is a realm of undead, built by the undead for the undead. Mind you, there's no such thing as a "religion of the undead" there... I mean, when your neighbor is a wraith and the mailman is a mummy, you get kinda jaded, right?

Something more like the D20 SRD? I could go for it. It'd definetly be easier to share those files with my players, since I'd just have to give them what they needed.

I'll do it, then.
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