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kommy Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Sep 2006 Posts: 1000
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:34 pm Post subject: |
I suppose Dr. Fuchs can play a small part, though I am not sold on the idea of being a fling for you or your lover. Lets keep things professional. After all, I have no idea on what you plan to be doing.  _________________ "Doktor! Are you sure this will work?!" "HAHA! I HAVE NO IDEA!" |
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BlueHawk82 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Mar 2010 Posts: 285
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:38 pm Post subject: |
Thank you kommy and great pleasure to meet you. I was hoping most of all for your approval as you were used in ep.1 without permission in advance, I apologize for that. And no problem as Sky is a most professional character, you have nothing to worry about. My plans as of right now are nothing for a couple eps, you could consider this a half-RP/fanfiction project. Depending on how you and others feel, offer and participate it shapes this little story of my guy. No one has to be sold on anything right now, but I simply ask for an open mind as things develope.
Not sure but did you read it by any chance? You were in Part 3, I'm wondering if I wrote your fursona right. And I could use your input on some questions on the main thread post about what your fursona would think on: Appearance, Conduct, Home/hobbies and such. Helps me stear the plot correctly.
And so, all the cast I need for now is set and have plenty to work with somewhat, though I will be delayed for a little bit again. And now... *crouches, jumps up with legs spinning!* Off to the drawing board!!!
*Takes off running!* ZoooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!! _________________ The Story of Sky B. Fox Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Casting call for Sky's Story |
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kommy Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Sep 2006 Posts: 1000
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:00 am Post subject: |
You might have a tiny bit too much caffeine and sugar in your diet. Just my professional opinion.
I see you decided to not wait for me sans permission, too. Not particularly thrilled by that, but I am aware I can be a hard person to find sometimes.
As for writing, I have briefly read it. I'm probably a bit too nice in your story. It is difficult for me to have a normal conversation without a single jibe, pun, deadpan remark, or other form of verbal playfulness. Oh, and when exactly are you going to pay me?
If you do have questions, I'll answer them when I can. _________________ "Doktor! Are you sure this will work?!" "HAHA! I HAVE NO IDEA!" |
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BlueHawk82 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Mar 2010 Posts: 285
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:32 am Post subject: |
Well, Sky is a lively pup when he's having a good time. You should see what happens if he gets drunk!
Yes, I did and I apologized for that whole heartedly. That thought has bothered me since I started like you can't imagine. At the time I needed a female doctor for the scene and you were the only one I knew of at the time. If it's wrong or you're unsatisfied I have no problem removing the all sections and rewriting you out, just let me know. Or if you could give me a description of your fursona if I may continue, that would be great, too. I'm planning on posting the next installment Monday so if you can give me an answer by then I'd appreciate it, which could be crucial as when you responded I was working on your fursona right then. Of course if my medical problem acts up then it'll be delayed further again.
As for payment, you have to wait until his winning prize purse is forwarded to him from the carnival.
PS: Your fursona is more or less integral for the story yet nothing too critical so if you'd like, my contact info can be found here on my Deviant Art page, I would like to converse if possible. Just want to make sure I get things right, don't want to upset anybody. And incidentally, how can you be snide, deadpan and punned while being professional as you requested??? _________________ The Story of Sky B. Fox Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Casting call for Sky's Story |
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Caroline Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 22 Dec 2008 Posts: 2173
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:16 pm Post subject: |
A couple of quick things. Caroline is from North Carolina, so she speaks a bit differently. Also, Caroline tends to wear boys clothing... ala golf chic. If you do want her to be a recurring character, I'd just ask you swing by her speach parts to me first, so... I can adapt her way of talking to your scripting.
And, as for your question "And incidentally, how can you be snide, deadpan and punned while being professional as you requested???" ... um... trust me. If anyone can keep professional while being snide, pendantic, and callous it would be Dr. Fuchs.)) |
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BlueHawk82 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Mar 2010 Posts: 285
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kommy Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Sep 2006 Posts: 1000
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:36 pm Post subject: |
Callous? Sure. Snide? Sometimes. But pedantic? You wound me, fraulein Caroline! Is it so wrong to have pride at having mastered a tongue? I have labored long and hard to develop a sharp and colloquial mastery of this language.
Anyway... A description and whatnot I can provide easily enough. The things for which you ask are definitely here in the forum, albeit certainly buried under years of subsequent posting so I will entertain said questions. For a physical description, I imagine the wonderful representations of Dr. Fuchs by Ms. Santato to be more than adequate to your needs. Check the Four Aces Suite or the main comic. Or the Strip Tease Theatre.
I shall see your Deviantart page and attempt to contact you. Why not? _________________ "Doktor! Are you sure this will work?!" "HAHA! I HAVE NO IDEA!" |
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BlueHawk82 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Mar 2010 Posts: 285
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:24 pm Post subject: |
Hi Kommy. I'll be waiting to hear from you, I appreciate it. And no need for a physical descritpion I already got all that from the main page as you said, and subsequently Sky's jaw hits the floor when he sees you so I think that's enough said. Actually, I ran through the comic multiple times and I could not find any dialogue other than the dance scene and seeing you sitting around the delight castle so essentially you were one of the hardest to interpret. But you portrayed a good deal of elegance and professionalism and that's why you were written as so.
Oh yeah, in lieu of your mentioning of my cafine conent, I had a funny incident once regarding that: I was at work and machining a part when I called a coworker to give me a hand since he knew all about it, I didn't. He comes up with a ROCKSTAR in his hands.
Me: "Hey bud, you shouldn't drink those, they're dangerous to your health.
He lookes at the drink then at me puzzled.
Him: "This is coming from a guy I hear drinks two XXL MONSTERS a night."
Me: "That's different, I'm trying to die!"
UPDATE: Hey guys, as forewarned and it has come to pass, I am having a delayed posting of part 2. Some new details have come to light and thus edits must be made, but that's what it's all about in an effort to get it right. Also after Ep 3 I'll be taking a couple weeks on hiatus from writing in an effort to get a head start on the future episodes, some artworks done to go with the story as well as work on Sky's character page and some residences I promised I'd do. On a final note, a new member will be joining the cast. A coworker of mine, who is also a Bon Bon fan as well as my sounding board and has given me incredible amounts of help, today decided to join my cast and so I'm working on her fursona. Her species and occupation haven't been decided yet but we're working on it now, not entirely sure if she'll be a friend or foe but we'll see. _________________ The Story of Sky B. Fox Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3
Casting call for Sky's Story |
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Caroline Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 22 Dec 2008 Posts: 2173
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:57 am Post subject: |
I guess I could. What's your Fur Affinity thingy again?
And Dr. Fuchs,
Just because one can be loquacious, verbose, and erudite does not mean they cannot be pedantic too. See, I know a bunch of fifty-cent words too. )) |
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BlueHawk82 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Mar 2010 Posts: 285
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Lidia_Apricot Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Oct 2008 Posts: 3273
Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:08 am Post subject: |
*Dust off the forum*
Been a while since I read your story, Mr. BlueHawk.
I recently read Ep. 3 and I absolutely love it! I enjoy the character MR. Fox had met and the conversation for each character was enjoyable to read.
I am truly honor and Thankful for having Lidia in your story, Mr. BlueHawk. Lidia's introduction was adorably clever. I can't wait for to meet again.
I can't wait to read your next story. Keep up the good work!  |
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